Notice of Application and Submission Information Clarification: PAR-07-231 CDC Grants for Public Health Research Dissertation (R36)

Notice Number: NOT-CD-07-231

Key Dates
Release Date: September 24, 2007

Issued by
Office of Public Health Research, CDC, (  


The purpose of this notice is to provide clarification on the following Other Submission Requirements of the PAR-07-231:  Letter of Recommendation and Statement of Career Goals.

See also Section IV. Application and Submission Information, 6. Other Submission Requirements for a description of all required other submission requirements.  All items in this section must be submitted with your application.  Applications missing these items will be determined incomplete.

Letter of Recommendation: The student's advisor must submit with the grant application a letter of recommendation in support of the candidate and the proposed research dissertation.  This  letter of recommendation is a separate requirement from the required Letter of Certification.  The Letter of Recommendation should be placed in the Letters of Support attachment.

Statement of Career Goals: Applicants must provide a statement of career goals, including reference to their interest in the specific areas of research designated in this FOA and a description of their intended career trajectory. This information will be used by OPHR program staff to determine how the proposed study addresses program priorities.   This should be placed in the Other Project Information Component in the Other attachment.


For questions or further information regarding this notice, please contact:

Susan Clark, MPH, CHES
Office of Public Health Research
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, N.E., MS D-72
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: (404) 639-4795
FAX: (404) 639-4903
Email: [email protected]