Amendment and Corrections to RFA-CD-05-108 Centers of Excellence in Health Marketing and Health Communication

Notice Number: NOT-CD-05-108

Key Dates
Release Date: May 10, 2005

Issued by
Office of Public Health Research, CDC, (

On May 2, 2005, the Office of Public Health Research, CDC, issued a Request for Applications entitled, RFA-CD-05-108 Centers of Excellence in Health Marketing and Health Communication that is available at This Notice is to inform the scientific community that the OPHR is amending RFA-CD-05-108 , Centers of Excellence in Health Marketing and Health Communication to include:

  1. Corrections to Section III. Eligibility Information, 3. Other-Special Eligibility Criteria
  2. Supplementary instructions for the Form PHS 398


The paragraph below is added to Section III Eligibility Information, 3. Other-Special Eligibility Criteria:

Linkages and Collaborations: Centers should be established so as to have structured linkages to, collaborative and cooperative relationships with, public health agencies, other public and private organizations that have an interest in health marketing and health communication and population health improvement, including local and state governmental health agencies, healthcare provider organizations, corporations and businesses with large employee health benefit programs, healthcare financing organizations, insurers and other third party payers, research organizations, other Federal and state government agencies, and health-related community-based organizations. Each Center should have, through academic affiliation or other structural means, access to, and active engagement of, experts representing a broad array of disciplines in public health, psychology, business, economics, and other health-related and social sciences which relate to health marketing and health communication. Interactions among Centers are an important part of this initiative. Centers must identify creative strategies to foster formal and informal intra- and inter-center collaborations to identify and address overarching scientific and methodological issues. This may be in the form of research collaborations, participation in Web-based health communication exchanges by scientists on a visiting basis, exchange of resources and materials, and other mechanisms.

Additional Application Instructions

The instructions for the Form PHS 398 do not entirely apply to the submission of these P01 grant applications. Accordingly, applicants are strongly encouraged to follow the SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTIONS found below:

Supplementary Instructions

You must submit your application on PHS 398. Assemble and paginate it as one complete document.

Under "key personnel," list the principal investigator of the multi-project application, followed by the project leaders of the research projects and cores and other key personnel.

Keeping in mind that the application will be peer reviewed project by project and core by core, prepare a detailed table of contents that will let reviewers locate information pertinent to the overall application as well as to each component project and core. For each project and core, include a page reference for the budget. Identify each project by number (e.g., project 1), title, and project leader, and each core by letter (e.g., core A), title, and core leader.

Program overview -- Research plan

This narrative section summarizes the overall research plan; this section is limited to 25 pages .

A P01 application is a confederation of interrelated research projects, each capable of standing on its own scientific merit but complementing each other. This important section lets a group of investigators show the program's conceptual unity by describing the general scientific area and laying out a broad research strategy.

As the strategy develops, briefly show the place of each project and core in the overall scheme. Summarize special features in the environment and resources that make this application strong or unique.


You can have only one appendix for the whole application, up to 10 documents or 100 pages, whichever is less. All pages in reprints and other documents count as one page.

Limit the appendix to information directly relevant to the application. Place data crucial to the research plan in the application, not in an appendix. Clearly cross-reference all appended material to a project or core. Prepare five sets of the appendix including only relevant reprints, making sure that reprints are cross-referenced as well.

Instructions for Individual Projects

Each research project must have a face page PHS 398 form page 1. Note: For each project and the overview section, items a-d of the research plan are limited to 25 pages.

For Number and title of project, follow these instructions. For all research projects use a number (e.g., 1, 2, 3) to designate each research project and make sure each has a unique title. Give the name and title of the project leader and participating investigators. Type the number and title of a research project on the upper left-hand margin of all relevant pages, for easy cross-reference.

Complete all other items on the face page using the PHS 398 instructions.

The following instructions are unique to P01 grants. For other items in an individual project application, follow the PHS 398 instructions.

Research plan

Appendix. Do not create an appendix for an individual project.

Instructions for Core Units

The overall project should include an Administrative Core and a Scientific Core, which support all projects within the Centers. All cores: limit items a-d to 25 pages each.

Administrative core. The institution and the principal investigator are responsible for the application and for collaborative research activities. The institution is legally and financially responsible and accountable for the use and disposition of funds and attests to the availability of personnel and facilities capable of performing and supporting the administrative functions of the program.

Request funding for overall administration, for example, secretarial and other administrative services, expenses for publications for collaborative efforts, and communication expenses.

Scientific core or cores. A scientific core is a resource for the whole grant. The application must indicate the projects it will serve, e.g., statistical support to research projects 1 and 2. This section should give a clear picture of the facilities, techniques, and skills the core will provide and the role of the core leader and each key participant. Also state the percentage of total dollars required to support each project that will use each scientific core.

Each core must have a face page PHS 398 form page 1.

For Letter and title of core, follow these instructions. For all cores use a letter (e.g., A, B, C) to designate each core unit and give each a unique title; type these on the upper left-hand margin of all pages in the core section for easy cross-reference.

State the name and title of the core leader and participating investigators. Complete other items on the face page using the standard PHS 398 instructions.

The following instructions are unique to P01 grants. For other items in an individual project application, follow the PHS 398 instructions.

Research Plan

Appendix. Do not create an appendix for a core.


Direct questions about scientific/research issues to:

Juliana K. Cyril, MPH, Ph.D.
Scientific Program Administrator
Office of Public Health Research
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, N.E., MS D-72
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: (404) 371-5285
FAX: (404) 371-5215

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