February 22, 2022
PA-20-272 - Administrative Supplements to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Parent Admin Supp Clinical Trial Optional)
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
This Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) announces an opportunity for supplemental funding to active, eligible NCI-funded grants and cooperative agreements to support integrative oncology research. These administrative supplements are intended to support NCI-funded investigators to leverage existing relationships/partnerships with investigators in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) to conduct research that will enhance understanding of the intersection of standard biomedical approaches and traditional, complementary, and alternative medicine (TCAM) for cancer control in LMIC settings.
Cancer incidence and mortality are increasing in LMICs. To mitigate this growing challenge, continued efforts to implement evidence-based cancer prevention, treatment, and palliative and survivorship care using innovative and culturally appropriate solutions are needed. One potentially promising approach is to leverage TCAM with standard biomedical approaches. TCAM is used worldwide, often embedded in centuries of local traditions and culture. Leveraging TCAM alongside standard biomedical approaches can help increase the adoption and acceptability of cancer control interventions that are evidence-informed and patient-centered. This growing field of research, often referred to as ‘whole person research’, is leading to a better understanding of the important psychological and physical benefits of lifestyle interventions and mind/body therapies (e.g., acupuncture, massage, meditation, and yoga) on cancer prevention and treatment. Similarly, research on the molecular properties and psychological benefits of natural products used in TCAM can lead to the discovery of evidence-based, low-cost, and culturally acceptable methods for symptom management and quality of life improvement in cancer patients. Integrative oncology research seeks to understand how TCAM advances can be combined with standard biomedical approaches to systemically strengthen the efficacy, acceptability, and sustainability of cancer care worldwide. This NOSI focuses on research pertaining to the integration of TCAM with standard biomedical approaches to benefit cancer control in LMICs. Moreover, rigorous integrative oncology research can provide cancer patients in LMICs with access to safe, effective, evidence-informed, and culturally sensitive cancer care that is highly adapted to their local contexts.
Research Objectives
Proposed studies will investigate the integration of TCAM with standard biomedical approaches for cancer control in LMICs.
Examples of Responsive Proposals Include: Research encouraged through this Notice includes, but is not limited to, studies such as:
Applicants are encouraged to leverage existing resources and partnerships, and to design projects that can reasonably be completed within the given time and budget. Supplemental funding may be applied toward attaining adequate LMIC populations for integrative oncology research. It is not essential for the parent award to have an integrative oncology research focus. The request for supplemental funding may propose to augment the parent award by introducing integrative oncology research and LMIC populations into the ongoing research project in a manner (i.e., within its approved scope) that increases its overall impact.
Applications responsive to this NOSI must:
Applicants are encouraged to discuss their application with the scientific/research contact person listed in this NOSI and with the Program Director on their parent grant prior to submission.
Administrative Review
NCI will conduct administrative reviews of submitted applications and will support the most meritorious applications based upon the programmatic priorities and availability of funds.
The following criteria will be used to assess the supplement requests:
Application and Submission Information
Applications for this initiative must be within the scope of the parent award consistent with its originally approved objectives and submitted using the following opportunity or its subsequent reissued equivalent.
All instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide and PA-20-272 must be followed, with the following additions:
Application Due Date:
Budget and Period of Support:
The Research Strategy must not exceed three (3) pages, should summarize the activities of the parent grant, and describe how those activities would be augmented and/or enhanced in the supplemental request by:
Applicants are strongly encouraged to notify the program contact at the NCI that a request has been submitted in response to this NOSI to facilitate efficient processing of the application.
Applications that do not meet these requirements will not be considered for this NOSI initiative.
Scientific/Research Contact
Alejandro Salicrup, Ph.D.
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Telephone: 240-276-5799
Email: salicrul@nih.gov
Financial/Grants Management Contact
Dawn M. Mitchum
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Telephone: 202-430-2997
Email: dawn.mitchum@nih.gov