Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Coordinating Center for the Metabolic Dysregulation and Cancer Risk Program: a Transdisciplinary Approach to Obesity-associated Research (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Notice Number:

Key Dates

Release Date:
February 19, 2021
Estimated Publication Date of Funding Opportunity Announcement:
May 01, 2021
First Estimated Application Due Date:
October 01, 2021
Earliest Estimated Award Date:
July 01, 2022
Earliest Estimated Start Date:
September 01, 2022
Related Announcements

NOT-CA-21-037 - Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Research Grants for the Metabolic Dysregulation and Cancer Risk Program: a Transdisciplinary Approach to Obesity-Associated Research (U01 Clinical Trial Optional)

Issued by

National Cancer Institute (NCI)


The National Cancer Institute (NCI) intends to publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) as a Request for Applications (RFA) to solicit applications for support of a Coordinating Center for multiple individual research projects (to be funded by a companion FOA; see NOT-CA-21-037) on the dynamics and underlying mechanisms that link obesity, metabolic dysregulation and increased cancer risk.

This Notice of Intent to Publish (NOITP) is being provided to allow potential applicants time to develop responsive applications and meaningful collaborations needed to support a consortium of transdisciplinary researchers. This intended RFA and its companion RFA for support of individual research projects are expected to be published in the Summer of 2021 with expected application due dates in the Fall of 2021. Anticipated award dates will be Summer of 2022.

The intended FOA will utilize the U01 Cooperative Agreement mechanism. Details of the planned RFA are provided below.

Research Initiative Details

The obesity-cancer link is a pressing concern due to the escalating prevalence of obesity. Obesity can be conceptually viewed as a “disease-susceptible state” and, of relevance, a “metabolically dysregulated state”. This state of disease predisposition has the potential to progress to cancer and other chronic pathologies. The initiative seeks to support research projects to identify tangible mechanistic/etiologic pathway(s) that link obesity-related metabolic dysregulation with cancer risk to inform cancer prevention strategies.

The initiative intends to foster transdisciplinary research that cuts across different scientific domains to allow investigators from multiple disciplines to come together to advance discovery, translation of current knowledge or emerging findings, and ultimately extend our understanding on the mechanisms linking metabolic dysregulation and obesity-associated cancer risk. A consortium (comprised of funded investigators for the individual research grants, the coordinating center, and NCI program staff) will be established and governed by a steering committee. Investigators of funded research projects and the coordinating center will be expected to participate in this consortium, engage in efforts to optimize synergy across projects, and to collaborate in pilot projects that may emerge within the consortium.

This intended FOA, therefore, seeks to identify a Coordinating Center to support the overarching goals of the “Metabolic Dysregulation and Cancer Risk Program” and to integrate efforts across the individual research projects to facilitate cross-fertilization and transdisciplinary research.

The Coordinating Center's role and responsibilities are multifold, including, but not limited to:

(1) providing administrative support (e.g., data collection, data sharing, communication, web-based resources, and meeting support);

(2) facilitating cross-discipline collaboration(s) with funded investigators using creative and effective approaches;

(3) coordinating efforts to optimizing synergy across funded research projects with guidance from the Steering Committee and NCI program staff; and

(4) interacting with NCI program staff to support the short-term goals and objectives of the initiative.

This Notice, therefore, encourages investigators with a team well-versed in scientific expertise and in working with scientists from multiple disciplines (e.g., basic science, epidemiology, oncology, immunology, and intervention/prevention) to develop responsive proposals. Interested investigators are strongly encouraged to contact the designated NCI program director for further inquiries.

Funding Information
Estimated Total Funding

Up to $1.0 million in Fiscal Year 2022

Expected Number of Awards


Estimated Award Ceiling


Primary CFDA Numbers


Anticipated Eligible Organizations
Public/State Controlled Institution of Higher Education
Private Institution of Higher Education
Nonprofit with 501(c)(3) IRS Status (Other than Institution of Higher Education)
Small Business
For-Profit Organization (Other than Small Business)
U.S. Territory or Possession
Non-domestic (non-U.S.) Entity (Foreign Organization)
Eligible Agencies of the Federal Government

Applications are not being solicited at this time. 


Please direct all inquiries to:

Tram Kim Lam, Ph.D., MPH

Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences

National Cancer Institute (NCI)


Email: [email protected]

Weekly TOC for this Announcement
NIH Funding Opportunities and Notices