December 11, 2019
RFA-CA-20-014 (K99/R00 - Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
RFA-CA-20-015 (K99/R00 - Independent Clinical Trial Required).
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
The NCI will hold a pre-application webinar on Wednesday, January 8, 2020, from 1:00 - 2:00 PM (ET) for the Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOA), RFA-CA-20-014 (K99/R00 - Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed) and RFA-CA-20-015 (K99/R00 - Independent Clinical Trial Required).
NCI staff members involved in these two FOAs will provide orientation and technical assistance to potential applicants by explaining the goals and objectives for the FOAs and answer questions from webinar attendees.
Participation in this webinar, although encouraged, is optional, and is not required for the submission of an application in response to RFA-CA-20-014 and RFA-CA-20-015.
To join the webinar, please click on the link below:
Please direct all inquiries to:
Sergey Radaev, PhD
Cancer Training Branch
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Telephone: 240-276-5630
Email: [email protected]