Notice of Correction to RFA-CA-19-047 "SBIR Phase IIB Bridge Awards to Accelerate the Development of Cancer-Relevant Technologies Toward Commercialization (R44 Clinical Trial Optional)"

Notice Number: NOT-CA-19-046

Key Dates
Release Date: April 10, 2019

Related Announcements

Issued by
National Cancer Institute (NCI)


The purpose of this Notice is to inform potential applicants about a correction in RFA-CA-19-047 "SBIR Phase IIB Bridge Awards to Accelerate the Development of Cancer-Relevant Technologies Toward Commercialization (R44 Clinical Trial Optional)"

The correction applies to Section III Eligibility Information. Specifically, the text under the heading "Additional Information on Eligibility" is appended by the inadvertently omitted description of general requirements for qualifying "parent" awards under RFA-CA-19-047. This description has been an inherent and essential feature of all prior FOAs under SBIR Bridge Award initiative. The appended text reads as follows:

General Requirements
The Phase IIB Bridge Award application must represent a continuation of the R&D efforts performed under a previous Federally-funded SBIR or STTR Phase II award. Phase IIB Bridge Award applications may be predicated on the following categories of prior Phase II awards:

  • SBIR Phase II grant or contract awards funded by any Federal agency.
  • STTR Phase II grant or contract awards funded by any Federal agency.

NOTE: Applicants who intend to submit a Phase IIB Bridge Award application that is predicated on a Phase II award funded by a Federal agency other than the NIH or a previous Phase II contract award MUST contact the SBIR Development Center prior to submission, so that the NCI can properly arrange for such applications to be accepted.

The qualifying "parent" SBIR or STTR Phase II project may be renewed only once through the Phase IIB Bridge Award under this FOA. Following the Phase II Bridge Award period (i.e., up to 3 years), recipient SBCs are expected to pursue the full commercialization of these SBIR-funded projects using non-SBIR funds.

This FOA is only open to SBIR or STTR Phase II projects nearing completion and those that have recently ended. To be eligible under the current FOA, current Phase II projects MUST end on or before March 31, 2020. In general, past Phase II projects should have ended within 24 months of the application receipt date. The NCI will consider longer periods of hiatus on a case-by-case basis provided that the applicants can demonstrate the readiness of the proposed project for commercialization and the ability to secure substantial third-party investor funds. In all cases, the Phase II project period must end before a Phase IIB Bridge Award can be issued.  

All other aspects of RFA-CA-19-047 remain unchanged.


Please direct all inquiries to:

Jonathan Franca-Koh
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Telephone: 240-276-7622
Email: [email protected]