Notice of Change to Budget Instructions for PAR-15-333 "Sustained Support for Informatics Resources for Cancer Research and Management (U24)"

Notice Number: NOT-CA-17-052

Key Dates
Release Date: April 24, 2017

Related Announcements

Issued by
National Cancer Institute (NCI)


This Notice modifies the Budget instructions in Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) PAR-15-333 "Sustained Support for Informatics Resources for Cancer Research and Management (U24)".

Part 2. Full Text of Announcement

Section IV. Application and Submission Information, 2. Content and Form of Application Submission

Current language:

R&R or Modular Budget
All instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide must be followed.

Collaborative Activities: Applicants must set aside 10 percent of their annual budget (Direct Costs) to support collaborative or joint activities within or beyond ITCR projects, initiated post-award.
The amount should be presented in the Other Expenses category under the heading “Collaborative Funds”.

Travel: Applicants are required to include travel support for an investigator from their research team to attend the annual meeting. In the budget, a travel budget for one trip per year to these meetings should be included.

Modified language (in italics):

R&R or Modular Budget
All instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide must be followed.

Collaborative Activities: Applicants must set aside 10 percent of their annual budget (Direct Costs) in Budget Period 2 and beyond to support collaborative or joint activities within or beyond ITCR projects, initiated post-award. The amount should be presented in the Other Expenses category under the heading “Collaborative Funds”.

Travel: Applicants are required to include travel support for an investigator from their research team to attend the annual meeting. In the budget, a travel budget for one trip per year to these meetings should be included.

All other aspects of this FOA remains unchanged.


Please direct all inquiries to:

Juli Klemm, Ph.D.
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Telephone: 301-480-5778
Email: [email protected]