Notice of Change to the Specific Research Objectives for PA-16-175 Exploratory Grants in Cancer Epidemiology and Genomics Research (R21)"
Notice Number: NOT-CA-16-047
Key Dates
Release Date: June 8, 2016
Related Announcements
Issued by
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
The purpose of this Notice is to notify the community of changes in Specific Research Objectives in, Section I. Funding Opportunity Description for PA-16-175 "Exploratory Grants in Cancer Epidemiology and Genomics Research (R21)".
The following section has been modified (in italics)
Part 1. Section I. Funding Opportunity Description
Specific Research Objectives
Specific topics of interest may include, but are not limited to, the following:
Current Language: [for the examples of residential history research]
- Obtaining automated residential histories for specific populations with little credit or banking history: low SES populations, children, teens, young adults, foreign born; or older people with care-takers; or for specific geographic areas (e.g., rural vs. urban);
- Developing algorithms for optimizing the reconciliation or consolidation of conflicting residential histories obtained through a single or multiple data sources;
- Determining the impact of geographic misspecification of residential histories in different types of epidemiologic studies; use of residential histories in epidemiologic research (e.g., as opposed to assuming that subjects have always lived at their current address); developing methods for obtaining lifetime residential histories; or refining linkage methodologies necessary to link to automated data sources of residential histories.
New Language: [For the examples of residential history research] - the following statement has been inserted
Expand on existing data sources, algorithms and software to find and reconcile residential histories (e.g. Examples could include:
- Obtaining automated residential histories for specific populations with little credit or banking history: low SES populations, children, teens, young adults, foreign born; or older people with care-takers; or for specific geographic areas (e.g., rural vs. urban);
- Developing algorithms for optimizing the reconciliation or consolidation of conflicting residential histories obtained through a single or multiple data sources;
- Determining the impact of geographic misspecification of residential histories in different types of epidemiologic studies; use of residential histories in epidemiologic research (e.g., as opposed to assuming that subjects have always lived at their current address); developing methods for obtaining lifetime residential histories; or refining linkage methodologies necessary to link to automated data sources of residential histories.
All other aspects of this FOA remain unchanged.
Please direct all inquiries to:
Mukesh Verma, Ph.D.
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Telephone: 240-276-6889
Email: [email protected]