Correction to Review Criteria for RFA-CA-09-004, RFA-CA-09-006, and RFA-CA-09-008, the Innovative Molecular Analysis Technologies (IMAT) for Cancer Program

Notice Number: NOT-CA-09-015

Key Dates
Release Date: February 12, 2009

Issued by
National Cancer Institute (NCI) (


The purpose of this Notice is to correct the review criteria for Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOA) RFA-CA-09-004, RFA-CA-09-006, and RFA-CA-09-008 that involve the R21 funding mechanism under the Innovative Molecular Analysis Technologies (IMAT) for Cancer Program (Table 1).

Specifically, the Review Criteria Sections for these IMAT FOAs are corrected by inserting (after the last standard review criterion Environment ) the following text:

In addition, the following criterion will be included in determining the impact/priority scores of applications submitted in response to these FOAs:

Milestones: Are the proposed quantitative milestones adequate relative to the requirements outlined in the FOA? Are appropriate scientific, quantitative milestones included that will allow determination of whether or not the goals of the R21 project have been accomplished and whether meeting the milestones will be sufficient to establish the feasibility of any future R33 grant application?

The inadvertently omitted Milestones criterion has been historically an inherent part of the review criteria in the several previous issuances of analogous IMAT R21 FOAs.

Note: This change affects only IMAT FOAs that involve the R21 mechanism. Review Criteria for IMAT RFA-CA-09-005 and RFA-CA-09-007 that involve the R33 mechanism (Table 1) remain unchanged.

Table 1. The matrix of current IMAT FOAs.

Funding Mechanism

Innovative Technology Development for Cancer Research

Application and Use of Transformative Emerging Technologies in Cancer Research

Innovative and Applied Emerging Technologies in Biospecimen Science









Direct questions regarding all of the FOAs listed in Table 1 to:

Richard Aragon, Ph.D.
Office of Technology and Industrial Relations
National Cancer Institute
Building 31, Room 10A03, MSC 2582
Bethesda, MD 20892-2590
Telephone: (301) 496-1550
Fax: (301) 496-7807