Amendments to PAR-06-511, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) R25 Cancer Education and Career Development Award

Notice Number: NOT-CA-07-009

Key Dates
Release Date:  March 2, 2007

Issued by
National Cancer Institute (NCI) (


This Notice is to inform the scientific community that the NCI is amending program announcement PAR-06-511 effective for the May 25, 2007, receipt date as follows:

  1. In Section II. Award Information, 1. Mechanism of Support, Just-In-Time Concepts, the following change is made:  “This FOA uses just-in-time concepts” is replaced by the statement “The budget for this FOA does not utilize just-in-time concepts. This FOA does utilize Just-in time-concepts for all other issues.”
  2. In Section III. Eligibility Information, 1. Eligible Applicants, 1.A. Eligible Institutions, the following change is made:  “Domestic institutions/organizations” is replaced by the statement “Non-Federal Domestic institutions/ organizations.”
  3. In Section IV. Application and Submission Information, 2. Content and Form of Application Submission, Allowable Costs for Personnel, the following change is made:  The sentence “Limited administrative and clerical salary costs associated distinctly with the program that are not normally provided by the applicant organization may be direct charges to the grant only when specifically identified and justified” is deleted.
  4. In Section IV. Application and Submission Information, 2. Content and Form of Application Submission, Other Program-Related Expenses, the following change is made:  The first two sentences in this section which read: “Consultant costs, equipment, supplies, travel for key persons, and other program-related expenses must be justified as specifically required by the proposed research education program and must not duplicate items generally available for educational programs at the applicant institution. These expenses must be itemized, as appropriate, in Sections C. (Equipment), D. (Travel), and F. (Other Direct Costs) of the Research & Related Budget.” are deleted and are replaced with the single sentence “Consultant costs, equipment, supplies, and travel for key personnel are not allowable.”

Amendments (2) – (4) bring the current PAR into agreement with the provisions of the prior issuance (PAR-03-148) of the funding opportunity.  These amendments are applicable to all applications submitted for the receipt date deadlines of October 1, 2006, and beyond.

Budgets for applications submitted for the October 1, 2006, and January 25, 2007, receipt date deadlines will be negotiated prior to the issuance of any award to comply with the requirements of this Notice.


For program-related issues, please contact:
Dorkina Myrick, M.D., Ph.D.
Program Director
Cancer Training Branch
Office of Centers, Training, and Resources
National Cancer Institute
National Institutes of Health
6116 Executive Boulevard, Room 7019, MSC 8346
Bethesda, MD 20892-8346 (for U.S. Postal Service regular or express mail)
Rockville, MD 20852 (for express/courier delivery)
Telephone: 301-496-8580
Fax: 301-402-4472
E-Mail: [email protected]

For peer review-related issues, please contact:
Sonya V. Roberson, Ph.D.
Scientific Review Administrator
Resources and Training Review Branch
Division of Extramural Activities
National Cancer Institute
National Institutes of Health
6116 Executive Boulevard, Room 8109, MSC 8329
Bethesda, MD 20892-8329 (for U.S. Postal Service regular or express mail)
Rockville, MD 20852 (for express/courier delivery)
Telephone: 301-594-1182
Fax: 301-594-4074
E-mail: [email protected]