RELEASE DATE:  May 13, 2004


National Cancer Institute (NCI)

This addendum is to inform potential applicants of a change in the 
request for applications (RFA) CA-05-012.  The change is as follows:

This notice is intended to clarify the National Cancer Institute RFA 
 Community Networks to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities.   The RFA 
states that within the Phase I goals, applicants are required to  Form 
at least four collaborations with other NCI programs (i.e., NCI 
Centers/Divisions/Offices other than the NCI CRCHD) for the purpose of 
reducing cancer health disparities with other than NCI CRCHD programs. 
The CNP will collaborate with NCI Centers/Divisions/Offices on at least 
four projects involving other NCI efforts to reduce cancer health 
disparities during the grant period.   In this section,  other NCI 
programs  should be interpreted, in the case of NCI extramural 
Centers/Divisions/Offices, to mean programs (e.g., research projects, 
program projects, centers, networks and consortia) funded by the NCI 
through those Centers/Divisions/Offices.

In addition, there will be a pre-application conference on May 26, 
2004, from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. at Building 10; Lipsett Auditorium; 9000 
Rockville Pike; Bethesda, MD 20892.  Space is limited and will be 
assigned on a first come first served basis.  Please make reservations 
with Tara Scibelli at 301-529-0799 or [email protected].  
Please see the Community Networks Program website at for updates and additional 


Inquiries regarding this notice may be directed to:

Kenneth C. Chu, Ph.D.
Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities
National Cancer Institute
6116 Executive Blvd, Room 602
Bethesda, MD 20892-8341
Rockville, MD  20852 (for express/courier service)
Telephone:  (301) 496-8589
FAX:  (301)-435-9225
Email: [email protected]

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