Release Date:  January 14, 2002

NOTICE:  NOT-CA-02-012

National Cancer Institute

The National Cancer Institute is requesting applications for the following new 
initiative:  Rapid Access to NCI Discovery Resources (R-A-N-D) program.  The 
R-A-N-D program will make available to academic investigators, on a competitive 
basis, the discovery and early preclinical development contract resources of 
NCI"s Developmental Therapeutics Program.  The goal of R-A-N-D is to remove the 
most common barriers between basic research findings and their exploitation for 
discovery of new molecular entities.  R-A-N-D does NOT fund grants, applications 
to the program are requests for NCI drug discovery and development resources to 
conduct specific tasks the applicants themselves are unable to carry out in 
their efforts to translate basic research findings to the discovery of new drugs 
and biologics.  Examples of tasks that may be requested include:  
production/characterization of molecular target proteins, high-throughput 
screening (HTS) assay development, natural product isolation/characterization, 
synthesis of combinatorial libraries, early pharmacology and in vivo 
efficacy studies.

There are two receipt dates for requests for R-A-N-D support per year, April 1 
and October 1.  A Letter of Interest (LOI) must be submitted via email to the 
Program Coordinator 30 days prior to the application deadline.  Current requests 
must be received by April 1, 2002 (LOI March 1, 2002), with all materials 
submitted directly to the office listed below.

LONGER BE ACCEPTED.  This policy does not apply to courier deliveries (i.e. 
FEDEX, UPS, DHL, etc.) 
(http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-CA-02-002.html).  This 
change in practice is effective immediately.  This policy is similar to and 
consistent with the policy for applications addressed to Centers for Scientific 
Review as published in the NIH Guide Notice 

For information on process and procedure of requests for R-A-N-D resources, 
visit the DTP web site http://dtp.nci.nih.gov/.  Inquiries are encouraged, the 
opportunity to clarify issues or questions is welcome.  Academic investigators 
may have collaborations with small-business partners and still qualify for 
R-A-N-D funding.  Non-profit organizations other than universities may also 
submit R-A-N-D applications.  Please note that a maximum of two distinct 
requests for support per investigator can be submitted for each receipt date.


Inquiries regarding this notice may be directed to:

Office of Associate Director
Developmental Therapeutics Program
National Cancer Institute
Executive Plaza North Building, Suite 8022
6130 Executive Blvd. 
Rockville, MD  20852
Tel:  301-496-8720
Fax: 301-402-0831
[email protected]

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