POLICY OF THE NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE FOR ALLOWABLE BUDGET LEVELS OF COMPETING CONTINUATION (TYPE 2) R01 AND U01 APPLICATIONS - MODIFICATION AND CLARIFICATION Release Date: September 5, 2001 NOTICE: NOT-CA-01-019 National Cancer Institute The National Cancer Institute (NCI) recently published in the NIH Guide NOTICE: NOT-CA-01-016, POLICY OF THE NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE FOR ALLOWABLE REQUESTED BUDGET LEVELS OF COMPETING CONTINUATION (TYPE 2) R01 and U01 APPLICATIONS , Release Date: August 7, 2001 at: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-CA-01-016.html. The policy previously published will be retained, but in response to questions from awardees, a modification and two clarifications are listed below. The purpose is to simplify some of the calculations and clarify the options available to applicants. The modification that is being made is for applicants preparing non-modular budgets (i.e., applicants whose budgets exceed $250,000 direct costs in at least one year). The initial policy specified that a requested increase of 20% was permissible between the last award level and the average direct cost over all years of the renewal. To simplify calculations, these applicants may request an increase of 20% between the last award level and the first year direct cost of the renewal. This level may then be increased each year by the allowable cost-of-living factor. One clarification deals with the allowable request for applicants requesting modular budgets. These applicants may calculate an increase of 20% from the last award level and then round up to the nearest modular amount. A second clarification is that exemptions from this policy may be granted in unusual situations. Exemptions were not specifically addressed in the earlier NIH Guide Notice, but are mentioned in a frequently asked questions page at http://deainfo.nci.nih.gov/grantspolicies/newbudgetcap-faq.htm. Requests for exemptions should be addressed, in writing, to the appropriate NCI Program Director. Further complexities enter when the current budget or the budget requested in the competitive renewal varies significantly from year to year. Several of these situations are dealt with explicitly in the original NIH Guide Announcement. If you have questions not dealt with there, contact your Program Director for clarification. Every effort will be made to advise applicants on the options available to sustain their ongoing research. INQUIRIES For questions or further information, contact your individual NCI program administrator or grants management specialist (listed on the current Notice of Award) or: Associate Director for Referral, Review and Program Coordination Division of Extramural Activities National Cancer Institute 6116 Executive Boulevard, Room 8051 Bethesda, MD 20892-8328 Telephone: (301) 435-5655 Fax: (301) 402-0742 Email: db85g@nih.gov

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