October 18, 2021
RFA-AI-21-060 - SUNBEAM - Analysis and Bioinformatics Center (ABC) (UM1 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
This Notice informs potential applicants of modifications to the Research Objectives and Scope for Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) RFA-AI-21-060, SUNBEAM - Analysis and Bioinformatics Center (ABC) (UM1 Clinical Trial Not Allowed).
The following section of RFA-AI-21-060 has been modified as indicated below.
Currently Reads:
Part 2. Full Text of Announcement
Section I. Funding Opportunity Description
SUNBEAM-ABC Research Objectives and Scope
SUNBEAM-ABC will create a discovery infrastructure that will explore SUNBEAM biologic samples and conduct systems level analyses in order to contribute to the goals of the SUNBEAM cohort. In pursuing its objectives, the SUNBEAM-ABC will work collaboratively with the SUNBEAM Steering Group and with the NIAID Statistical and Clinical Coordinating Center. The SUNBEAM-ABC PD/PI(s) will become members of the SUNBEAM Steering Group.
SUNBEAM-ABC will have the option of generating its own database(s) for the storage of laboratory data generated from the SUNBEAM sample assays or, in close collaboration with the NIAID Statistical and Clinical Coordinating Center, utilize the SUNBEAM database for this purpose. Any database(s) utilized for laboratory data storage must be selected and configured to provide smooth and easy functions for combining the SUNBEAM clinical and other laboratory data with the data generated by the SUNBEAM-ABC activities.
Applications in response to this FOA are required to include whole blood transcriptomics and high parameter cytometry analysis of fixed blood cells at a minimum. Other potential analyses of interest include, but are not limited to, serum/plasma proteomics, plasma metabolomics, and cellular studies using frozen viable peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Proposed analyses need to use established and validated laboratory assay methods and procedures.
Applications proposing any of the following topics will be deemed non-responsive and will not be reviewed.
Modified to Read (changes shown in bold italics):
Part 2. Full Text of Announcement
Section I. Funding Opportunity Description
SUNBEAM-ABC Research Objectives and Scope
SUNBEAM-ABC will create a discovery infrastructure that will explore SUNBEAM biologic samples and conduct systems level analyses in order to contribute to the goals of the SUNBEAM cohort. In pursuing its objectives, the SUNBEAM-ABC will work collaboratively with the SUNBEAM Steering Group and with the NIAID Statistical and Clinical Coordinating Center. The SUNBEAM-ABC PD/PI(s) will become members of the SUNBEAM Steering Group.
SUNBEAM-ABC will have the option of generating its own database(s) for the storage of laboratory data generated from the SUNBEAM sample assays or, in close collaboration with the NIAID Statistical and Clinical Coordinating Center, utilize the SUNBEAM database for this purpose. Any database(s) utilized for laboratory data storage must be selected and configured to provide smooth and easy functions for combining the SUNBEAM clinical and other laboratory data with the data generated by the SUNBEAM-ABC activities.
Applications in response to this FOA are required to include whole blood transcriptomics and high parameter cytometry analysis of fixed blood cells at a minimum. Other potential analyses of interest include, but are not limited to, serum/plasma proteomics, plasma metabolomics, and cellular studies using frozen viable peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Skin tape strip RNA for transcriptomics will not be available for use in applications in response to this RFA. Proposed analyses need to use established and validated laboratory assay methods and procedures.
Applications proposing any of the following topics will be deemed non-responsive and will not be reviewed.
All other aspects of this FOA remain the same.
Gang Dong, MD, PhD
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
Telephone: 240-627-3508
Email: gdong@niaid.nih.gov