Notice of Change to Research Objectives of RFA-AI-14-019 Partnerships for Diagnostics to Address Antimicrobial Resistance of Select Bacterial Pathogens (R01)

Notice Number: NOT-AI-14-044

Key Dates
Release Date: March 27, 2014

Related Announcements

Issued by
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)


This Notice is to inform potential applicants that the NIAID is revising RFA-AI-14-019, Partnerships for Diagnostics to Address Antimicrobial Resistance of Select Bacterial Pathogens (R01), to clarify the Research Objectives section of the FOA.

The following correction to this FOA is being made:

Part 2. Full Text of Announcement

Section I. Funding Opportunity Description

Research Objectives

The proposed diagnostic technologies must detect the target pathogen(s) from at least one normally sterile specimen type, such as blood, CSF, or pleural fluid.

The proposed diagnostic technologies must detect the target pathogen(s) from at least one normally sterile specimen type, such as blood, urine, CSF, or pleural fluid.

All other aspects of the FOA remain unchanged.


Please direct all inquiries to:

Maureen Beanan, Ph.D.
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
Telephone: 240-292-0999
Email: [email protected]