Amendment to RFP-NIH-NIAID-DMID-07-13 Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics for Invasive Aspergillosis

Notice Number: NOT-AI-06-027

Key Dates
Release Date: March 20, 2006
Proposal Release Date:  February 15, 2006
Receipt Date:  July 14, 2006

Issued by
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), (


This amendment is to announce modifications of the proposal due date and ARTICLE H.1 HUMAN SUBJECTS for RFP-NIH-NIAID-DMID-07-13 “Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics for Invasive Aspergillosis” which can be located at the following website:

The new proposal due date and time will be July 14, 2006 at 3:30 P.M. EST.

ARTICLE H.1 HUMAN SUBJECTS is revised to read as follows:

Research involving human subjects shall not be conducted under this contract until the protocol developed in Phase 1 has been approved by the Project Officer.  Written notice of such approval has been provided by the Contracting Officer, and the Contractor has provided to the Contracting Officer a properly completed “Protection of Human Subjects Assurance Identification/IRB Certification/Declaration of Exemption”, Form OMB No. 0990-0263 (formerly Option Form 310) certifying IRB review and approval of the protocol.  The human subject certification can be met by submission of the Contractor’s self designated form, provided that it contains the information required by the “Protection of Human Subjects Assurance Identification/IRB Certification/Declaration of Exemption”, Form OMB No. 0990-0263 (formerly Option Form 310).

When research involving Human Subjects will take place at collaborating sites or other performance sites, the Contractor shall obtain, and keep on file, a properly completed “Protection of Human Subjects Assurance Identification/IRB Certification/Declaration of Exemption”, Form OMB No. 0990-0263 (formerly Option Form 310) certifying IRB review and approval of the research.

Offerors must acknowledge receipt of this Amendment Notice Number NOT-AI-06-027 on each copy of the proposal submitted.  Failure to receive your acknowledgement of this Amendment may result in the rejection of your proposal.


For questions or further information, contact:

Brenda K. Lee
Contract Specialist
Office of Acquisitions, DEA, NIAID, NIH, DHHS
6700-B Rockledge Drive, Rm. 3214, MSC 7612
Bethesda, MD  20892-7612 (Express mail: Use Zip Code 20817-7612)
Phone:  301-402-2443
Fax:  301-480-2622

Ross Kelley
Contracting Officer
Office of Acquisitions, DEA, NIAID, NIH, DHHS
6700-B Rockledge Drive, Rm. 3214, MSC 7612
Bethesda, MD  20892-7612 (Express mail: Use Zip Code 20817-7612)
Phone:  301-402-2234
Fax:  301-480-5253