
Release Date:  July 13, 2000

NOTICE:  AI-00-005

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
National Institute of Mental Health

Application Receipt Date:  November 17, 2000 (Revised)

This addendum is to inform potential applicants of three changes 
made to PAR-00-098, published May 24, 2000.

The new Application Receipt Date is November 17, 2000.  This 
supercedes the date stated in the announcement published May 24, 
2000 of October 10, 2000.

Requirement for the participation of the private sector:
Program Project applications submitted in response to PAR-00-098 are 
required to include a component(s) (a research project and/or a 
core) headed by and derived from the private sector.  Prospective 
applicants are urged to clarify details regarding this requirement 
and its implementation with Dr. Nava Sarver listed under INQUIRIES 

Review criteria modified to address inclusion of the private sector 
requirement in proposed research activities:  In addition to the 
review criteria stated in PAR-00-098, the initial review group will 
also examine: the suitability of the proposed private sector to the 
overall scientific objectives of the applying group, the scientific 
capability and commitment of the private sector to the group"s 
objectives and to the development of the proposed therapeutic entity 
or modality, adequacy of the development plan to achieve the 
scientific goals of the proposed research and to move the proposed 
therapeutic toward clinical application, and plans toward the 
approval of the proposed therapeutic for clinical use.


Nava Sarver, Ph.D.
Division of AIDS
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
6003 Executive Boulevard, Room 2C01
Bethesda, MD  20892
Telephone:  (301) 496-2970
FAX:  (301) 402-3211

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