MONITORING OF CLINICAL TRIALS AND STUDIES - NIAID Release Date: February 24, 2000 NOTICE: AI-00-003 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases The purpose of this Notice is to announce the availability of the "NIAID POLICY ON MONITORING GRANTS SUPPORTING CLINICAL TRIALS AND STUDIES." The policy requires that all clinical trials and studies supported by NIAID be monitored commensurate with the degree of potential risk to study subjects and complexity of the study. Included in the policy are TERMS OF AWARD and reporting requirements for clinical trials and studies grants. The details of this policy can be found at the following location: INQUIRIES General inquiries related to this notice may be directed to: Director Division of Extramural Activities, NIAID Room 2142, 6700-B Rockledge Drive MSC 7610 Bethesda, MD 20892-7610 Telephone: (301) 496-7291 FAX: (301) 402-0369 E-mail: or Inquiries about a specific grant should be directed to the NIAID Program Officer for that grant.

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