Key Dates
National Institute on Aging (NIA)
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR)
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
This Notice informs the research community that the National Institute on Aging (NIA) and partnering Institutes, Centers, and Offices (ICOs) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) intend to promote a new initiative to advance palliative care research by publishing a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). The NOFO will invite applications proposing the development of a specialized center. Henceforth, the center will be referred to as the “Consortium.” The aim of the Consortium will be to provide resources, expertise, and coordination to advance innovative, high-quality research on palliative care for those living with serious illnesses across the lifespan. This research infrastructure will encompass Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and AD-related dementias (ADRD), cancer, and other serious illnesses and populations relevant to the partnering ICOs. NIH currently funds many palliative care research projects across the ICOs, and there is a need for a structure to leverage synergies, coordinate efforts, develop the scientific workforce, and address remaining gaps in the field.
This Notice is provided to allow potential applicants sufficient time to develop meaningful collaborations and responsive projects. This Notice encourages investigators with experience in palliative care research across the lifespan and across a range of serious illnesses and populations relevant to participating NIH ICOs, including AD/ADRD, cancer, and health disparities, to consider applying to the NOFO.
The NOFO is expected to be published towards the end of 2023 with an expected application due date early in 2024. Note that these time frames are simply estimations, and they may change.
The NOFO will utilize the Specialized Center--Cooperative Agreement (U54) activity code, with an embedded R25 for Research Education (RL5), that allows for multiple core components and substantial scientific and programmatic involvement of NIH staff.
Additional details regarding the NOFO are below.
Palliative care aims to alleviate symptoms, deliver goal-concordant care, and facilitate care coordination for persons living with serious illness across the lifespan and has been associated with improved care quality and, in some cases, length of life. Due to the growing evidence on the positive impact of palliative care, many professional organizations recommend its delivery concurrently with disease-focused treatment. Equitable access to reliable high-quality palliative care for a range of serious illnesses across the life span is a growing public health priority. It is estimated that about 12 million adults and hundreds of thousands of children are living in the U.S. with serious illness, such as cancer, heart disease, kidney disease, or AD/ADRD, and many are living longer with disease. This problem is further exacerbated by the projected increase in older adults, the majority of whom will be living with multiple chronic conditions.
Advancing palliative care research is consistent with the missions of multiple NIH ICOs. For the purpose of this Notice, “palliative care research across the lifespan and a range of serious illnesses” is inclusive of all age groups, populations, and diseases and conditions of interest to the participating ICOs, including in geriatric, pediatric, neonatal, pregnant, and lactating populations, as well as for individuals living with AD/ADRD, cognitive impairment, cancer, mental health or psychiatric disorders, and serious heart, lung, blood, and sleep illnesses.
Given the trans-disciplinary nature of palliative care research for populations across the lifespan – spanning ages, conditions, specialties – there is a need for a coordinated research infrastructure to build a more inclusive and representative palliative care clinical workforce (AAHPM & The George Washington University Health Workforce Institute, 2016) and support innovative, high-quality palliative care research, including on health and healthcare disparities, to build a cumulative evidence base. Therefore, the purpose of the NOFO will be to invite applications for a Consortium to diversify, coordinate, integrate, and advance palliative care research across the lifespan. The resulting Consortium is intended to expand and intensify NIH’s investment in palliative care research across the lifespan.
Research Objectives
The overall goals of the Consortium are the following:
Applicants will be encouraged to address how the design and conduct of all activities of the Consortium will consider from the beginning how the resulting information, best practices, guidance, data, or other resources will be disseminated to the broader research community. The Consortium will be encouraged to interact with and leverage existing NIA- and NIH-supported networks and centers to create synergies while avoiding duplication of existing efforts, including, for example, the NIH Pragmatic Trials Collaboratory, AD/ADRD IMPACT Collaboratory, Cancer and Aging Research Group (CARG), Geriatric Emergency care Applied Research Network (GEAR), Clin-STAR, the Research Centers Collaborative Network (RCCN), the Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network, the Brain Donor Project, and other NIH-supported research infrastructures.
Organizational Structure
The Consortium will consist of six required components and up to four optional components. The following is a description of each component:
Funding Information
In fiscal year (FY) 2025, NIA and partner ICOs intend to commit up to $9,500,000 in total cost.
In FY 2026 - FY 2029, NIA and partner ICOs intend to commit $14,000,000 per year in total cost.
In FY 2025, an application may request a budget of up to $9,500,000 in total cost.
In FY 2026 - FY 2029, an application may request a budget of up to $14,000,000 per year in total cost.
Budgets should reflect the actual needs of the proposed project.
Applications are not being solicited at this time.
Please direct all inquiries to:
Alexis Bakos, Ph.D., MPH, RN
National Institute on Aging (NIA)
Telephone: 301-921-5970
Basil Eldadah, MD, Ph.D.
National Institute on Aging (NIA)
Telephone: 301-496-6761
Elena Fazio, Ph.D.
National Institute on Aging (NIA)
Telephone: 301-496-3131
Chandra Keller, EdD, MPH, MPP
National Institute on Aging (NIA)
Telephone: 301-496-3137