August 30, 2022
PAR-22-228 - Integrative Research to Understand the Impact of Sex Differences on the Molecular Determinants of AD Risk and Responsiveness to Treatment (U01 Clinical Trial Optional)
National Institute on Aging (NIA)
This notice informs potential applicants of changes to Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) PAR-22-228, “Integrative Research to Understand the Impact of Sex Differences on the Molecular Determinants of AD Risk and Responsiveness to Treatment (U01 Clinical Trial Optional).” Specifically, this notice expands a suggested area of research. Additionally, this notice revises information to specify how findings from preclinical efficacy studies are to be incorporated in the AlzPED Portal.
The following sections under Part 2. Full Text of Announcement of PAR-22-228 have been modified:
Section I. Funding Opportunity Description
Objectives (first bullet)
Currently reads:
The impact of sex differences on the molecular trajectories of brain aging and on the molecular determinents of AD risk and progression across groups of varied ethnicities.
Modified to read (changes shown in bold italics):
The impact of sex differences on the molecular trajectories of brain aging and on the molecular determinants of AD risk and progression across groups of varied racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds.
Section IV. Application and Submission Information
2. Content and Form of Application Submission
PHS 398 Research Plan
Currently reads:
All findings from preclinical efficacy studies, including both negative and positive findings, are expected to be reported via NIA’s AlzPED Portal as a citable pre-print no later than 9 months after study completion or at the time of first manuscript publication, whichever comes first.
Modified to read (changes shown in bold italics):
All findings from preclinical efficacy studies, including both negative and positive findings, are expected to be incorporated in NIA’s AlzPED Portal no later than 9 months after study completion or at the time of first manuscript publication, whichever comes first. Published studies will be incorporated in AlzPED as a curated record; unpublished studies will be incorporated in AlzPED as a citable pre-print.
All other aspects of the FOA remain unchanged.
Suzana Petanceska, Ph.D.
National Institute on Aging (NIA)
Telephone: 301-594-7754
Email: [email protected]