REQUEST FOR COMPETING RENEWAL APPLICATIONS: NICHD STUDY OF EARLY CHILD CARE Release Date: August 5, 1998 P.T. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) is soliciting competing continuation applications from the current awardees on the NICHD Study of Early Child Care, a longitudinal examination of the relationships between rearing environments and developmental outcomes. In 1988, the Institute issued a Request for Applications (RFA) on Effects of Non-parental Infant Daycare on Child Development, resulting in the establishment of a cohort of infants and a national cooperative data collection network. In 1994, following completion of data collection for Phase I, competing continuation applications were solicited from the incumbents to implement a follow-up study (Phase II), starting when the children reached second grade and following their development through the fifth grade. NICHD now intends to extend the study into middle childhood, continuing to investigate the various contexts of development studied in the first two phases (e.g., family, child care, school, and poverty) and their impact on a variety of developmental domains. To augment the current network of investigators with experts in middle childhood developmental issues, applications for participation in Phase III are being solicited through a separate RFA. NICHD staff will contact the current awardees directly regarding application procedures and format. INQUIRIES Inquiries concerning this Notice may be directed to: Sarah L. Friedman, Ph.D. Center for Research for Mothers and Children National Institute of Child Health and Human Development 6100 Executive Boulevard, MSC 7510 Bethesda, MD 20892-7510 Telephone: (301) 496-5097 FAX: (301) 480-7773 Email:

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