DRAFT REQUIREMENT FOR HIV VACCINE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT TEAMS Release Date: April 22, 1998 P.T. NIAID DRAFT REQUIREMENT No. NIH-NIAID-99-18 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases The highest priority of the Division of AIDS, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH, is the discovery, development, and evaluation of HIV/AIDS vaccines. To augment the vaccine product pipeline, the upcoming HIV Vaccine Design and Development Teams solicitation will seek to fund consortia of scientists with development experience from industry and/or academia to take an identified promising vaccine concept and develop it to product stage. Up to $10 million per year will be made available to fund 1-5 projects. Each contract is anticipated to be a five-year cost-plus-award-fee completion type. Examples of vaccine concepts include, but are not limited to: peptides, whole killed virus, virus-like particles, live-attenuated virus, protein (recombinant virus protein or cell/virus surface molecule complexes), and pseudovirions. As provided for by FAR 5.205, entitled Special Situations, a Draft Project Requirement (i.e., a draft Work Statement, draft Technical Evaluation Criteria, and draft Reporting Requirements) is available for review through the NIAID Internet Home Page. The draft project requirement also includes Response Guidelines. The NIAID is soliciting project interest, comments, and recommendations on this draft project requirement in an effort to improve and refine it prior to issuing a solicitation. All responses are due to the NIAID no later than Wednesday, May 6, 1998. Proposals are not being solicited at this time. This draft project requirement is available electronically and may be accessed through the NIAID Contract Management Branch (CMB) Home Page at the following URL: http://www.niaid.nih.gov/contract/rfp"s/nih9918.htm. The draft requirement has been assigned reference number NIH-NIAID-99-18. Proposals are not being solicited at this time. INQUIRIES This is not a request for proposals. Inquiries regarding this draft project requirement may be directed to: Paul D. McFarlane or Brenda J. Velez Contract Management Branch National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases 6003 Executive Boulevard, Room 3C07, MSC 7610 Bethesda, MD 20892-7610 Telephone: (301) 496-0349 or (301) 496-7117 Email: pm24v@nih.gov or bv4y@nih.gov

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