NCI COOPERATIVE HUMAN TISSUE NETWORK Release Date: March 6, 1998 P.T. National Cancer Institute The National Cancer Institute (NCI) announces the availability of research specimens from the Cooperative Human Tissue Network (CHTN). The CHTN provides normal, benign, pre-cancerous and cancerous human tissue for biomedical research. Trained personnel coordinate the retrieval, preservation and delivery of specimens from surgical resection and autopsy. During the first nine years of operation, the CHTN has supplied more than 100,000 specimens to approximately 600 investigators. Human tissue provided by the CHTN has been utilized for a variety of research projects, such as studies of gene isolation, gene deletion, gene mutation, growth factors, isoenzymes, subcellular organelles, flow cytometry, DNA hybridization and the development of monoclonal antibodies and cell lines. Five member institutions coordinate the collection and distribution of tissues in the US and Canada. Human tissue specimens are collected to meet an investigator’s individual requirements. Researchers may specify preservation methods including fresh tissue (in any medium), fixed (in any fixative), and frozen (snap frozen or frozen in a tissue embedding media such as OCT). Histological specimens (blocks and slides) may also be available. Pathology data and histological characterization is routinely provided with the specimens. Additional information may be available if requested in advance. Since the most appropriate collection, storage and distribution methods depend on the research approach and tissue type, investigators should discuss their needs with the CHTN representative to assure access to the largest number and range of appropriate research specimens. In order for the CHTN to collect and provide quality tissue specimens to meet specific user needs, each investigator is required to complete a detailed tissue request form. This includes information about the type and amount of tissue required, tissue preparation, storage, and shipment requirements (e.g., media, snap frozen, sterile). The CHTN makes every effort to tailor collection, storage and shipment to the needs of the investigator. Tissue is provided according to the following priority order: 1. Funded, peer-reviewed investigators, including those from Federal and National laboratories. 2. New investigators and academic investigators developing new research projects. 3. Other investigators. A nominal processing fee is charged to cover some of the cost of collecting, preparing, and handling the tissue. In addition, the investigator must pay for the cost of shipping specimens to his/her laboratory. Additional information, including the application forms, may be obtained from the CHTN Internet site at: or from the division that serves your geographical area: CHTN EASTERN DIVISION - The Eastern Division covers the northeast, the area bounded by the western border of Pennsylvania, and the southern border of Maryland as well as Alaska and Hawaii. Contact: Ms. Kelly Feil University of Pennsylvania Medical Center 566 Dulles Building 3400 Spruce Street Philadelphia, PA 19104-4283 Telephone: (215) 662-4570 FAX: (215) 614-0251 Email: CHTN MIDWESTERN DIVISION - The Midwestern Division extends from West Virginia and states west of Pennsylvania north to Minnesota and south through Missouri as well as Canada. Contact: Ms. Carolyn Cordial The Ohio State University Tissue Procurement N-305 Doan Hall 410 W. 10th Avenue Columbus, OH 43210 Telephone: (614) 293-5493 FAX: (614) 293-5851 Email: CHTN PEDIATRIC DIVISION - The Pediatric Division provides children"s normal, benign, and diseased tissues nationwide. Contact: Ms. Sandra Brewer-Swartz Children"s Hospital 700 Children"s Drive, Room W144 Columbus, OH 43205 Telephone: (614) 722-2892 FAX: (614) 722-2897 Email: CHTN SOUTHERN DIVISION - The Southern Division encompasses Kentucky and Virginia and all states south and west of the Carolinas to Texas. Contact: Ms. Katherine Sexton University of Alabama at Birmingham Tissue Procurement 703 South 19th Street, ZRB 449 Birmingham, AL 35294-0007 Telephone: (205) 934-6071 FAX: (205) 934-0816 Email: CHTN WESTERN DIVISION - The Western Division includes the states north of Oklahoma and west of Texas. Contact: Mr. Bob Wyza Case Western Reserve University Tissue Procurement Institute of Pathology, Room B-30 2085 Adelbert Road Cleveland, OH 44106 Telephone: (216) 368-1636 FAX: (216) 368-1639 Email: INQUIRIES Information on additional NCI-supported human tissue and data resources for cancer research may be obtained by contacting: Ms. Marianna Bledsoe Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis National Cancer Institute Telephone: (301) 496-7147 FAX: (301) 402-7819 Email:
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