OERRM/OER Knowledge Management Events

Knowledge Management Symposium

On February 6th, 2006 OERRM/OER sponsored "Knowledge in Service to Health: Leveraging Knowledge for Modern Science Management". The symposium explored the field of Knowledge Management (KM) through presentations and demonstrations by experts from academia, industry, and biomedical research funding agencies.

Topics included the application of KM techniques and approaches to understand the culture and practices of large organizations and to facilitate collaboration; the current state of the art in the discovery and management of diverse knowledge; visualization and communication techniques that help convey complex ideas; the use of text mining to analyze and explore data repositories; and the development of performance measures to analyze the impact of biomedical research funding.

Experts in KM and science management addressed diverse aspects of KM and its value to science management in general, and biomedical research in particular:

Additional symposium information and KM resources can be found on the OERRM/OER KM Symposium (please login with NIH user id and password). The morning symposium may be viewed at NIH KM Symposium. Please send feedback, comments and questions to Dr. Marie Zeimetz or to OERRM/OER KM.

Additional information for NIH staff will be available on the OERRM KM portal at: OERRM KM Community Home Page (NIH staff: Please login with NIH user name and password).
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This page last updated on January 30, 2007 
Content Manager: oerrmkm@mail.nih.gov 
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