Full Text OD-93-01


NIH GUIDE, Volume 21, Number 44, December 11, 1992

RFA:  OD-93-01

P.T. 02

  Cardiovascular Diseases 
  Blood Diseases 
  Pulmonary Diseases 
  Drugs/Drug Abuse 

National Institutes of Health

Letter of Intent Receipt Date:  February 17, 1993
Application Receipt Date:  March 30, 1993


Public Law Number 102-394, the Appropriations Act for the Department of
Health and Human Services for Fiscal Year 1993, provides $4,960,000 in
the budget of the Office of the Director, National Institutes of Health
(NIH), for extramural facilities construction grants, to be awarded
competitively.  In response, the NIH is issuing a Request for
Applications (RFA) OD-93-01 for the construction of facilities of
urgent national importance for biomedical/behavioral research and/or
services to support such research.

Applications for construction grants that were submitted previously to
the NIH may be resubmitted if the applicant wishes to recompete under
this RFA.

The main objective of this construction program is to facilitate the
conduct of biomedical/behavioral research by providing funds for
construction of new facilities and for the purchase of fixed research
equipment essential for the operation of these facilities.  Support may
be requested for the construction of new facilities and additions or
renovations to existing facilities to meet the biomedical/behavioral
research and/or research support needs of an institution, or of a
research group at that institution or elsewhere that utilizes the
resources of that institution.  The purpose of the proposed facility
must be within the scope of one of the statutes authorizing the awards.
Those statutes authorize construction grants for the National Cancer
Program [Title IV, Section 413(b)(6)(B), PHS Act], construction grants
for the National Heart, Blood Vessel, Lung and Blood Diseases and Blood
Resources Program [Title IV, Section 421(b)(2)(B), PHS Act],
construction grants for the vision research program of the National Eye
Institute [Title IV, Section 455, PHS Act] construction grants for the
NIH AIDS research programs [Title XXIII, Section 2351(a)(7)(B), PHS
Act], and construction grants for the drug abuse, pharmacotherapeutic
research program of the National Institute on Drug Abuse [Title IV,
Section 464P(b)(3), PHS Act].


Domestic, non-Federal, public and private non-profit institutions,
organizations, and associations that conduct or support
biomedical/behavioral research are eligible to apply.

An institution may submit only one application in response to this
announcement.  For example, a medical school and a dental school of the
same institution, even if separated geographically, may not submit
separate applications.


The award mechanism will be the construction grant award (C06).  Awards
will be administered under Federal Regulation 45 CFR Part 74 -
Administration of Grants, and for cancer construction projects, 42 CFR
Part 52b will also apply.  Up to 50 percent of the allowable costs of
a project may be awarded, not to exceed $2,000,000 per award.  Prior to
grant award, the applicant must provide an assurance of required
matching funds and that additional funds will be secured to meet any
projected costs in excess of the award amount. Requests of less than
$500,000 will not be accepted.


This one-time solicitation based on the Fiscal Year 1993 appropriation
provides $4,960,000 for this initiative.  It is anticipated that three
to four awards will be made.  No indirect costs or continuation costs
will be awarded.


Support may be requested for the costs of constructing non-Federal
facilities to meet the biomedical/behavioral research, and/or services
to support such research, needs of an institution or of a research
group at that institution or elsewhere that utilizes the resources of
that institution.  The purpose of the proposed facility must be within
the scope of one of the statutes authorizing the awards.  Those
statutes authorize construction grants that would benefit the fields of
cancer, vision, heart, lung, and blood, AIDS research, and drug abuse,
pharmacotherapeutic research.  Associated fixed research equipment
necessary for operation of these facilities may also be requested as
part of the application.  Instrumentation that usually would be
requested as part of a research project will not be provided as part of
this construction award.

Facility construction that may be supported under this program

o  Construction of new facilities
o  Additions to existing buildings
o  Completion of uninhabitable "shell" space in new or existing
o  Major alterations and renovations


Prospective applicants are asked to submit, by February 17, 1993, a
letter of intent.  The letter, requested for planning purposes only,
should identify the RFA number noted above, the Principal Investigator,
and include a brief title of the type(s) of research/research support
to be conducted in the new facility.  Although a letter of intent is
not required, is not binding, and does not enter into the review of
subsequent applications, the information that it contains allows NIH
staff to estimate the potential workload and to avoid conflict of
interest in the review.  The letter of intent is to be addressed to:

Mr. Kenneth Brow
Chief, Research Facilities Branch
Division of Cancer Biology, Diagnosis, and Centers
National Cancer Institute
Executive Plaza North, Room 300
Bethesda, MD  20892
Telephone:  (30l) 496-8534


o  Intergovernmental-Review -- Executive Order 12372

Applicants are required to comply with Executive Order 12372 as
supplemented by DHHS 45 CFR Part l00, Intergovernmental Review of
Department of Health and Human Services Programs and Activities.
Standard Form 424 meets the reporting requirements of Executive Order
12372.  The purposes of this review are to:

1.  Identify the relationship of any proposed project to State or
area-wide comprehensive plans and evaluate the significance of these
projects for the plans or programs of particular State agencies or
local governments; and

2.  Ensure that public agencies responsible for environmental standards
and civil rights have an opportunity to review and comment upon
proposed projects.

Each applicant is encouraged to discuss projects with the Single Point
of Contact (SPOC) at the earliest time possible and to provide the SPOC
with required information in a timely manner.  (The State Single Point
of Contact List is included as an attachment in the special
instructions accompanying the application Standard Form 424 package.)

The SPOC must be given 60 days to review a construction grant
application.  Applications submitted to NIH in response to this
solicitation must contain either SPOC comments or documentation
indicating the date on which the application was submitted to the SPOC
for review.

The SPOC comment period ends 60 days after the application receipt
date.  Applicants are to provide the SPOC with a copy of the
application NOT LATER THAN the time the application is submitted to the
Division of Research Grants, NIH.

Applicants required to submit applications for review to a Health
Systems Agency (HSA), or Statewide Health Planning and Development
Agency (SHPDA), must contact the SPOC/HSA/SHPDA to determine what
coordination has been agreed to by those agencies.

The NIH is required to notify the SPOC whenever an application is
received without an indication that the application has been provided
to the SPOC for review.

All SPOC comments must be forwarded to both the applicant and to the
NIH Institute to which the application is assigned.  If comments are
provided by the SPOC, the applicant may wish to submit to the NIH a
statement of its reaction to the comments and any appropriate changes
to its application.  If no response is received from the SPOC by the
end of the 60 days allotted for review of the application, the
applicant must notify the NIH that no response was received.

o  Public Disclosure

Applicants must also make a public disclosure of the project by
publication and describe its environmental impact at the time the SPOC
is notified.  It is suggested that the notice be published in a
large-circulation newspaper in the area.  This public disclosure is
required by Section 102 of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
of l969 and by Federal Executive Order 11514.

One example of a suitable disclosure statement follows:


"Notice is hereby given that the Uptown Medical School proposes to
construct additional space, partially utilizing Federal funds.  The
proposed construction project is the addition of 2,700 square feet
connected to the existing Allen Building, which is located at 5333 Main
Street, Downtown, Ohio."

"The Medical School has evaluated the environmental and community
impact of the proposed construction.  There will be construction noise
and increased construction traffic during the construction period,
1993-1994.  No significant permanent environmental impacts are
foreseen.  All building permits and zoning approvals have been

"In accordance with Federal Executive Order 11514, which implements the
NEPA of 1969, any individual or group may comment on, or request
information concerning, the environmental implications of the proposed
project.  Communications should be addressed to the Office of Planning,
Uptown Medical School, and be received by (date).  The Federal grant
application may be reviewed at the Office of the Dean, School of
Medicine, 5333 Main Street, during working hours."

o  Design Standards

Design requirements are imposed to protect the health and safety of
persons using the proposed facility, control the project's impact on
the natural environment, conserve energy resources, achieve economy in
construction costs, and protect against natural disasters such as
earthquake and flood.  Therefore, the documents listed under REFERENCES
at the end of the RFA must be consulted, and the design requirements
incorporated in the development, review, and evaluation of all drawings
and specifications.


Applicants must use Standard Form 424, Application for Federal
Assistance.  Application forms and special instructions for completing
the forms relevant to this RFA must be requested from the staff contact
official noted below.  Those responsible for preparing the application
are advised to consult with appropriate institutional officials before
completing the application forms.

An institution may submit only one application in response to this
specific announcement.

An original and two copies of the application including appendices must
be submitted to:

Application Receipt Office
Division of Research Grants
National Institutes of Health
Westwood Building, Room 240
Bethesda, MD  20892**

Applications must be received at NIH by March 30, 1993.  To insure
against carrier delays, retain a legible proof-of-mailing receipt from
the carrier, dated no later than one week prior to the receipt date.
Applications received after the receipt date will not be accepted for
review in this competition and will be returned to the applicant.


Upon receipt, applications will be reviewed by NIH staff for
completeness and responsiveness and to verify application and award
eligibility.  Those applications judged to be unresponsive, incomplete,
or ineligible will be returned to the applicant.  Applications that are
complete and responsive will be reviewed for scientific and technical
merit by appropriate special peer review group(s) that will be convened
by the Division of Research Grants (DRG), NIH.  The second level of
peer review will be conducted by the National Advisory Board or
National Advisory Council appropriate for the statutory authority that
is applicable to the application, (i.e., the National Cancer Advisory
Board, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Advisory Council, the
National Advisory Eye Council, the National Advisory Research Resources
Council, or the National Advisory Council on Drug Abuse) in September
1993 to assess the relevance of all applications to the objectives
described above.  In addition, each application that receives a
priority score will be reviewed by NIH staff and consultants for
adherence to Government regulations and sound engineering practice.
Final award decisions will be made by the Director, NIH.  Awards will
be made on or before September 30, 1993.

Applications will be evaluated on the basis of criteria intended to
assess the following overall questions:  (1) How will the proposed
change in the research environment facilitate the applicant's ability
to conduct or support biomedical/behavioral research?  (2) How will the
proposed project meet national needs for biomedical/behavioral research
and/or research support facilities?  Thus, the reviewers will consider
the following factors:

o  Appropriateness and suitability of the proposed facilities for the
research to be conducted and/or research support to be provided.

o  The overall scope and quality of the ongoing biomedical/behavioral
research or research support programs of the applicant institution, as
well as the expanded or proposed future biomedical/behavioral research
and/or research support activities.

o  The applicant's consideration of safety and biohazard issues in
planning the construction and administering the facilities.

o  Specific deficiencies in the existing research facilities that would
be remedied.

o  The proposed physical location and layout of the new facility.

o  Reasonableness of the proposed time-course and sequence for the

o  Adequacy of the proposed administrative arrangements with respect

--Institutional commitment to use the space for biomedical/behavioral
research and/or research support.

--Safety and biohazard issues.

--Capabilities of the Principal Investigator and staff for scientific
and fiscal administration of the facility.



Advertisement for construction bids and construction can be initiated
only after receipt of the construction grant award and subsequent
approval of the working drawings and specifications by NIH staff.
Therefore, consistent with Public Health Service policy, no requests to
initiate construction will be entertained prior to receipt of a
construction grant award from the NIH and subsequent approval of
working drawings and specifications by NIH staff.

The Principal Investigator should be a highly placed institutional
official, at the level of Dean or equivalent, who has the
responsibility for allocation of space for the program(s) of
biomedical/behavioral research, and/or research support addressed in
the submitted application.

The facility must be utilized for the specific biomedical/behavioral
research and/or research support purposes for which it was constructed
for at least 20 years beginning 90 days following completion of the
construction project.  The NIH staff will evaluate use of the facility
periodically to assure its continued use for the approved purposes.


For additional application information and application Standard Form
424 materials, contact:

Mr. Kenneth Brow
Chief, Research Facilities Branch
Division of Cancer Biology, Diagnosis, and Centers
National Cancer Institute
Executive Plaza North, Room 300
Bethesda, MD  20892
Telephone:  (301) 496-8534

For information concerning programmatic issues related to the
construction program of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) contact Mr.
Kenneth Brow at the address above.

For information concerning fiscal matters related to NCI construction
programs contact:

Mrs. Kathy Hancock
Grants Administration Branch
Office of Administrative Management
National Cancer Institute
Executive Plaza South, Room 242
Bethesda, MD  20892
Telephone:  (30l) 496-7800, Ext. 23

For information concerning programmatic issues related to the
construction program of the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
(NHLBI) contact:

Dr. Ronald G. Geller
Director, Division of Extramural Affairs
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
Westwood Building, Room 7A17
Bethesda, MD  20892
Telephone:  (301) 496-7416

For information concerning fiscal matters related to the NHLBI
construction program contact:

Ms. Marie Willett
Deputy Chief, Grants Operations Branch
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
Westwood Building, Room 4A12B
Bethesda, MD  20892
Telephone:  (301) 496-7255

For information concerning programmatic issues related to the
construction program of the National Eye Institute (NEI) contact:

Dr. Jack A. McLaughlin
Associate Director, Extramural and Collaborative Program
National Eye Institute
Building 31, Room 6A04
Bethesda, MD  20892
Telephone:  (301) 496-9110

For information concerning fiscal matters related to the NEI
construction program contact:

Ms. Gaye Lynch
Chief, Grants Management Section
Extramural Services Branch
National Eye Institute
Building 31, Room 6A52
Bethesda, MD  20892
Telephone:  (301) 496-5884

For information concerning programmatic issues related to the AIDS
Infrastructure Construction Program that will be administered by the
National Center for Research Resources (NCRR) contact:

Dr. Charles L. Coulter
Director, Research Facilities Improvement Program
National Center for Research Resources
Westwood Building, Room 8A15
Bethesda, MD  20892
Telephone:  (301) 496-8482

For information concerning fiscal matters related to the AIDS
Infrastructure Construction Program contact:

Ms. Katherine A. Springman
Office of Grants and Contracts Management
National Center for Research Resources
Westwood Building, Room 849
Bethesda, MD  20892
Telephone:  (301) 496-9840

For information concerning programmatic issues related to the drug
abuse, pharmacotherapeutics research program of the National Institute
on Drug Abuse contact:

Ms. Eleanor Friedenberg
Director, Office of Extramural Program Review
National Institute on Drug Abuse
5600 Fishers Lane, Room 10-42
Rockville, MD  20857
Telephone:  (301) 443-2755

For information concerning fiscal matters related to the NIDA
construction program contact:

Ms. Shirley A. Denney
Chief, Grants Management Branch
National Institute on Drug Abuse
5600 Fishers Lane, Room 8A-54
Rockville, MD  20857
Telephone:  (301) 443-6710


All awards will be made under the authority of the Public Health
Service Act, Title IV, Sections 413(b)(6)(B), 421(b)(2)(B), 455,
464P(b) (3) and Title XXIII, Section 2351(a)(7)(B) administered under
PHS grants policies and Federal Regulations 45 CFR Part 74 and for
cancer construction only, 42 CFR Part 52b. This program is described in
the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, Number 93.392,


A.  PHS Policy.  The project shall meet the PHS policies as described
in the "Public Health Service Grants Policy Statement," current

B.  The design of facilities to be constructed or altered with PHS
grant funds will be evaluated for compliance with design requirements
contained in the most recent edition of Technical andbook 2.1,
"Information for Project applicants and State Agencies on Design and
Construction Related Activities."  The and book is part of the
Department's Facilities Engineering and Construction Manual and is
available from the Office of Engineering Services.  Applicants from
Regions I, II, III, and V should write to:

Director of the Regional Office of Engineering Services
Office of the Regional Health Administration, PHS
Jacob K. Javits Federal Building
26 Federal Plaza
New York, NY  10278

Applicants from Regions IV, VI, and IX should write to:

Director of the Regional Office of Engineering Services
Office of the Regional Health Administration, PHS
1200 Main Tower
Dallas, TX  75202

Applicants from Regions VII, VIII, and X should write to:

Director of the Regional Office of Engineering Services
Office of the Regional Health Administration, PHS
Blanchard Plaza Building
2201 6th Avenue
Seattle, WA  98121

Where State and local codes or requirements exceed the design
requirements set forth in Technical Handbook 2.1 or standards
incorporated in it, the more stringent requirement will be applied.
State or local codes may be used as a basis for facility design in lieu
of the design requirements in Technical Handbook 2.1 but a prior
determination must be made by HHS that the specific State or local code
is equivalent to, or exceeds, HHS requirements.


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