ECONOMIC STUDIES IN CANCER PREVENTION, SCREENING AND CARE NIH GUIDE, Volume 22, Number 40, November 5, 1993 PA NUMBER: PA-94-011 P.T. 34 Keywords: Health Care Economics Cancer/Carcinogenesis Disease Prevention+ Health Services Delivery National Cancer Institute Agency for Health Care Policy and Research PURPOSE The Division of Cancer Prevention and Control (DCPC), National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) invite investigator-initiated grant applications for research directed at increasing the knowledge base in the area of the economic aspects of cancer prevention, screening and care. The goal of this program announcement is to generate new economic knowledge that will promote the optimal design of cancer prevention and control trial studies and interventions and will facilitate the formulation of effective health care policy related to cancer prevention and control. This initiative requests research applications on new methods development, the synthesis and extension of existing methods, and innovative data gathering strategies. Applications that propose to implement actual data collection on a pilot or full-scale basis as well as analytical studies that use existing data and methodology will be entertained. The focus of this Program Announcement (PA) relates to the general health services and medical treatment effectiveness research supported by the AHCPR for a wide range of clinical conditions, including cancer. For example, AHCPR is presently supporting, and continues to be interested in, research on the analysis of health care costs, the measurement of patient outcomes, the cost effectiveness of health care services and procedures, and the development of methods used in studies of the quality and outcomes of care. Related research priorities for AHCPR are described in: PA-93-045 "Cost and Financing Issues in Health Care Reform", PA-93-063 "Primary Care and Health Care Reform", and RFA HS-94-002 "Medical Treatment Effectiveness Research." HEALTHY PEOPLE 2000 The Public Health Service (PHS) is committed to achieving the health promotion and disease prevention objectives of "Healthy People 2000," a PHS-led national activity for setting priority areas. This Program Announcement, Economic Studies in Cancer Prevention, Screening, and Care, is related to the priority area of cancer. Potential applicants may obtain a copy of "Healthy People 2000" (Full Report: Stock No. 017-001-00474-0 or Summary Report: Stock No. 017-001-00473-1) through the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402-9325, telephone 202-783-3238. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS Applications may be submitted by domestic and foreign, for-profit and non-profit, public and private organizations, such as universities, colleges, hospitals, laboratories, units of state or local governments, and eligible agencies of the Federal government. Applications from minority and women investigators are encouraged. MECHANISM OF SUPPORT Support of this program will be through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) research project grant (R01). Applicants will be responsible for the planning, direction, and execution of the proposed project. Except as otherwise stated in this PA, awards will be administered under PHS grants policy as stated in the Public Health Service Grants Policy Statement, DHHS Publication No. (OASH) 90-50,000. Because the nature and scope of research proposed in response to this PA may vary, it is anticipated that the size of award will vary also. The anticipated amount of the direct costs per award will vary from $50,000 to $500,000 per year. Expenses incurred in development and implementation of the proposed research, including baseline and follow-up surveys, design of materials, and professional education are allowable costs. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES This initiative supports research directed at increasing our understanding of economic aspects of cancer prevention, screening and care. Cancer is a heterogeneous chronic disease characterized by innovation in treatment and care approaches. Studies that cover the national population of all ages on an episodic basis fail to capture an adequate sample of cancer patients or the full scope and duration of cancer costs. Studies that focus on a convenience sample of cancer patients in a single health care delivery setting or community can be criticized as lacking external validity. Studies proposed in response to this PA will be expected to address these issues and propose innovative methods of overcoming these limitations. Three broad topics are included in this PA: o The cost of cancer treatment and care in various organizational settings. o Collection of economic data in the context of clinical trials and the use of economic data and analysis in the design of trials. o Cost-effectiveness of cancer prevention and screening trials and cancer prevention and control interventions. The purpose of this PA is to solicit collaborative research between academics in the fields of health economics and health services research and clinical researchers in cancer. The specific research goals of this PA are: 1. The cost of cancer treatment and care in various organizational settings To develop and validate methods for collecting reliable and representative data on longitudinal patterns of health care resource use, expenditures and costs for cancer prevention, screening, diagnostic, treatment, and care in various organizational settings. To develop and validate methods for collecting reliable and representative data on the cost of continuing care for cancer patients. These costs include not only out-of-pocket costs for medical treatment and related expenses but also other monetary and non-monetary disease and treatment costs to the cancer patient and the family of the cancer patient. To explore alternative proposed and existing models of out-patient and home-based continuing care for cancer patients in order to determine efficient modes of organization that provide access to and meet the continuing care needs of cancer patients and their families. 2. Collection of economic data in the context of clinical trials and the use of economic data and analysis in the design of trials To determine the cost of the health care intervention (e.g., cancer prevention, control, treatment or rehabilitation) in NCI sponsored trial settings compared to standard cancer control and treatment settings. To determine the feasibility of collecting data on direct and indirect lifetime costs in the context of clinical trials. To collect data on direct and/or indirect lifetime cost in the context of a clinical trial. 3. Cost-effectiveness of cancer prevention and screening trials and cancer prevention and control interventions To review and evaluate the existing conceptual basis, methodology and application of cost effectiveness analysis to cancer related interventions. Studies should identify conceptual, methodological and data collection problems unique to cancer related interventions and propose solutions to these problems. Studies should also include an evaluation of the appropriate role of cost effectiveness analysis in policy formulation related to cancer and how this role relates, or should relate, to medical ethics, equity and fairness, and community values. To determine the cost effectiveness of NCI sponsored cancer prevention and screening trials. Studies should include an analysis of the important determinates of cost effectiveness, the level of uncertainty of these determinates, and how these determinates might be effected by alternative trial designs. To determine the cost effectiveness of cancer prevention and control interventions as implemented through the health care system. Studies should include an analysis of the important determinates of cost effectiveness, the level of uncertainty of these determinates, and how these determinates might be effected by alternative health care delivery settings and health care policies. The relevance of cost effectiveness analysis for the particular question studied should be demonstrated by showing that it contributes additional information to the health care decision making process than would be available from clinical trial efficacy information alone. STUDY POPULATIONS SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANTS REGARDING IMPLEMENTATION OF NIH POLICIES CONCERNING INCLUSION OF WOMEN AND MINORITIES IN CLINICAL RESEARCH STUDY POPULATIONS NIH policy is that applicants for NIH clinical research grants and cooperative agreements are required to include minorities and women in study populations so that research findings can be of benefit to all persons at risk of the disease, disorder or condition under study; special emphasis must placed on the need for inclusion of minorities and women in studies of diseases, disorders and conditions which disproportionately affect them. This policy is intended to apply to males and females of all ages. If women or minorities are excluded or inadequately represented in clinical research, particularly in proposed population-based studies, a clear and compelling rationale must be provided. The composition of the proposed study population must be described in terms of gender and racial/ethnic group. In addition, gender and racial/ethnic issues must be addressed in developing a research design and sample size appropriate for the scientific objectives of the study. This information must be included in the form PHS 398 (revised 9/91) in Sections 1-4 of the Research Plan AND summarized in Section 5, Human Subjects. Applicants are urged to assess carefully the feasibility of including the broadest possible representation of minority groups. However, the NIH recognizes that it may not be feasible or appropriate in all research projects to include representation of the full array of United States racial/ethnic minority populations [i.e., Native Americans (including American Indians or Alaskan Natives), Asian/Pacific Islanders, Blacks, Hispanics]. The rationale for studies on single minority population groups should be provided. For the purpose of this policy, clinical research is defined as human biomedical and behavioral studies of etiology, epidemiology, prevention (and preventive strategies), diagnosis, or treatment of diseases, disorders or conditions, including but not limited to clinical trials. The usual NIH policies concerning research on human subjects also apply. Basic research or clinical studies in which human tissues cannot be identified or linked to individuals are excluded. However, every effort should be made to include human tissues from women and racial/ethnic minorities when it is important to apply the results of the study broadly, and this should be addressed by applicants. For foreign awards, the policy on inclusion of women applies fully; since the definition of minority differs in other countries, the applicant must discuss the relevance of research involving foreign population groups to the United States' populations, including minorities. If the required information is not contained within the application, the application will be returned. Peer reviewers will address specifically whether the Research Plan in the application conforms to these policies. If the representation of women or minorities in a study design is inadequate to answer the scientific question(s) addressed AND the justification for the selected study population is inadequate, it will be considered a scientific weakness or deficiency in the study design and will be reflected in assigning the priority score to the application. All applications for clinical research submitted to the NIH are required to address these policies. NIH funding components will not award grants or cooperative agreements that do not comply with these policies. In cases where the proposed study involves collaboration with an ongoing NCI sponsored trial the application must include a letter from the principal investigators of that trial indicating the latter's endorsement of the proposed study and willingness to collaborate. Any grant proposing association with an existing NCI trial would, of course, have to be approved by NCI grants or contracts administration and by the project officer to the existing trial before submission. All regulations involving human subjects and release of data applicable to the original trial would apply to the supplemental grant. APPLICATION PROCEDURES The research grant application form PHS 398 (rev. 9/91) is to be used in applying for these grants. The application package is available at most institutional offices of sponsored research and from the Office of Grants Information, Division of Research Grants, National Institutes of Health, Westwood Building, Room 449, Bethesda, MD 20892, telephone 301-710-0267. The title and number of the announcement must be typed in line 2a on the face page of the application. The completed original application and five legible copies must be sent or delivered to: Division of Research Grants National Institutes of Health Westwood Building, Room 240 Bethesda, MD 20892** REVIEW CONSIDERATIONS Applications will be assigned to the appropriate PHS study section, by the Division of Research Grants on the basis of established Public Health Service referral guidelines. Applications will be reviewed by the study section for scientific and technical merit in accordance with standard PHS peer review procedures. The following criteria will be considered when assessing the merit of a research grant application: o scientific, technical or clinical significance and originality of proposed research; o appropriateness and adequacy of the experimental approach and methodology proposed to carry out the research; o qualifications and research experience of the Principal Investigator and staff, particularly but not exclusively in the area of the proposed research; o availability of resources necessary for the research; o appropriateness of the proposed budget and timetable in relation to the scope of the proposed research; o adequacy of the proposed means for protecting against or minimizing potential adverse effects upon humans, vertebrate animals, and/or the environment; and o for studies involving minorities and both genders subjects in research, the adequacy of plans to include minorities and both genders in the study design, and the potential of that design to address the scientific question(s) addressed. AWARD CRITERIA Applications will compete for available funds with all other approved applications assigned to that ICD. The following will be considered in making funding decisions: o Quality of the proposed project as determined by peer review o Availability of funds o Program balance among research areas of the announcement INQUIRIES Written and telephone inquiries concerning the objectives and scope of this PA, or inquiries about whether or not specific proposed research would be responsive, are encouraged. The Program Director welcomes the opportunity to clarify any issues or questions from potential applicants. Martin L. Brown Division of Cancer Prevention and Control National Cancer Institute Executive Plaza North, Suite 300 Bethesda, MD 20892 Telephone: (301) 496-8500 FAX: (301) 496-8667 Michael Hagen Program Officer Agency for Health Care Policy and Research 2101 East Jefferson Street, Suite 502 Rockville, MD 20852-4908 Telephone: 301/594-1354 Direct inquiries regarding budgetary, administrative, and/or policy issues to: Mrs. Eileen M. Natoli Grants Administration Branch National Cancer Institute Executive Plaza South, Suite 242 Bethesda, MD 20892 Telephone: (301) 496-7800 FAX: (301) 496-8601 Ralph Sloat, Grants Management Officer Agency for Health Care Policy and Research 2101 East Jefferson Street, Suite 601 Rockville, MD 20852 Telephone: (301) 594-1447 AUTHORITY AND REGULATIONS This program is described in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance No. 93.399, Cancer Control Research. Awards are made under the authorization of the Public Health Service Act, Title IV, Part A (Public Law 78-410, as amended by Public Law 99-158, 42 USC 241 and 285) and administered under PHS grants policies and Federal Regulations 42 CFR 52 and 45 CFR Part 74 and 92. This program is not subject to the intergovernmental review requirements of Executive Order 12372 or Health Systems Agency review. .
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