NIH GUIDE, Volume 23, Number 10, March 11, 1994



National Institutes of Health

Human embryonic and fetal tissues are available form the Central

Laboratory for Human Embryology at the University of Washington.  The

laboratory, which is supported by the National Institutes of Health,

can supply tissue from normal of abnormal embryos and fetuses of

desired gestational ages between 40 days and term.  Specimens are

obtained within minutes of passage and tissues are aseptically

identified, staged and immediately processed according to the

requirements of individual investigators.  Presently, processing

methods include immediate fixation, snap fixation, snap freezing in

liquid nitrogen, and placement in balanced salt solutions or media

designated and/or supplied by investigators.  Specimens are shipped

by overnight express, arriving the day following procurement.  The

laboratory can also supply serial sections of human embryos that have

been preserved in methyl Carnoy's fixative, embedded in paraffin and

sectioned at 5 microns.


Alan G. Fantel, Ph.D.

Department of Pediatrics RD-20

University of Washington

Seattle, WA  98195

Telephone:  (206) 543-3373

FAX:  (206) 543-3184

email:  agf@u.washington.edu


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