Request for Information (RFI): Input into the Fogarty International Center Strategic Plan Process

Notice Number: NOT-TW-12-010

Key Dates
Release Date: April 30, 2012

Issued by
Fogarty International Center (FIC)


The Fogarty International Center is updating its strategic plan. To anticipate and set priorities for global health research and research training, FIC requests input from scientists, the general public, and interested parties. The goal of this strategic planning process is to identify current and future needs and directions for global health research and research training. The existing FIC strategic plan can be viewed at:

Comments are specifically, but not exclusively, requested on the following topics:

What are specific gaps, needs and opportunities in global health research that should be addressed by Fogarty in the next 5-10 years?

What are specific gaps, needs, and opportunities in global health research training that should be addressed by Fogarty in the next 5-10 years?

Are there specific gaps and/or opportunities related to the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), mobile technologies (mHealth), and distance learning in research and researching training?

What are specific gaps, needs, and opportunities related to research and research training in chronic, non-communicable diseases?

What are specific gaps, needs, and opportunities related to research and research training in infectious diseases?

How can Fogarty strengthen the research-enabling environment at research institutions in low and middle income countries?

How can Fogarty encourage more collaboration in research and research training among institutions in low and middle income countries?


Please direct all inquiries to:

Dr. Rachel Sturke, Evaluation Officer
Division of International Science Policy, Planning and Evaluation
Fogarty International Center
National Institutes of Health
Web Address: