Release Date:  March 27, 2000

NOTICE:  RR-00-007

National Center for Research Resources

This notice is to inform the scientific community that a limited 
competition is being conducted by the National Center for Research 
Resources (NCRR).  NCRR is requesting competitive applications for 
support of alteration and renovation and associated equipment from 
Regional Primate Resource Centers (RPRCs) to increase and upgrade their 
Biosafety Level (BSL) 2 and 3 facilities.  The lack of such facilities, 
especially BSL3, is the limiting factor in the capability of the RPRCs 
to host AIDS related research.  The need to expand BSL 2 and 3 
capacities is critical at the RPRCs in light of the major effort 
directed to HIV vaccine development.

The grant mechanism for these improvement projects is the G20 
mechanism.  Successful applications will be awarded according to the 
terms and conditions of the Animal Facilities Improvement Program (AFI) 
guidelines, available from the NCRR website at  Applicants are directed to 
program announcement PAR-99-066.  The application deadline is May 10, 

For further information contact:

W. Fred Taylor, Ph.D.
Research Infrastructure
National Center for Research Resources
6705 Rockledge Drive, Suite 6030
Bethesda, MD 20892

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