Request for Information: Nomination of Monoclonal Antibody Targets for Epigenetic Research

Notice Number: NOT-RM-09-003

Key Dates
Release Date: October 22, 2008
Response Due By  January, 2009

Issued by
This Request for Information (RFI) is part of an NIH Roadmap Initiative.  All NIH Institutes and Centers participate in Roadmap Initiatives.  The information from this RFI will be collected by NIMH, NINDS, and NIDA on behalf of the NIH.

Information Requested


We are requesting target nominations for monoclonal antibodies that would be useful for epigenetics research. 


Since its inception, the NIH Roadmap for Medical Research has been an “incubator space” for initiatives that, due to their cross-cutting relevance and/or complexity, warrant concerted attention from NIH as a whole.  Roadmap initiatives are designed to pursue major opportunities and gaps in research and to catalyze changes that will have a transforming effect on how biomedical and behavioral research is conducted over the next decade. 
One of the major components of the overall Roadmap strategy is the Roadmap Epigenomics Program.  The goals of the Roadmap Epigenomics Program are to establish multiple sets of comprehensive reference epigenomes; develop new reagents and tools for epigenetic research; provide publicly accessible data as well as new tools for data integration; and conduct research on novel hypotheses on epigenetic roles in human health and disease.  Monoclonal antibodies against epigenetic targets will be valuable additions to the epigenetic toolbox. 

Epigenetic Target Nomination

In response to a previous notice (NOT-RM-08-001), several targets were selected for antibody generation by the NeuroMab Facility at UC Davis.  A list of the available monoclonal antibodies can be found by performing a Catalog Search from using EpiMab as the key word.  Targets currently in the EpiMab pipeline can be found at  The Roadmap Epigenomics Program is again accepting nominations for targets for monoclonal antibodies that would be of use in epigenetics research.    These targets/antigens could include 1.  specific epigenetic marks (such as histone modifications or methyl cytosine), 2. proteins that generate, remove, or bind to epigenetic marks, 3. epigenetic effector molecules, or 4. other targets of significance to epigenetics researchers.   
To nominate a target please follow the weblink and the instructions therein. You will be asked to provide information concerning: 

  • the biological importance of the target molecule
  • the importance of the proposed antibodies to the epigenetics research community
  • the availability and suitability (or lack thereof) of existing polyclonal and/or monoclonal antibodies
  • reagents that could be provided  to aid in the development and characterization of these antibodies
  • your willingness to participate in screening a limited number of hybridoma clones to identify those clones which produce useful monoclonal antibodies. 

NIH staff on the Epigenomics Working Group, with input from external scientific experts, will prioritize the nominations for the monoclonal antibody production queue as they are submitted.   


Nominations must be submitted electronically through the following weblink: Responses will be accepted through January 1, 2009.  Responses to any individual elements of the RFI are optional. The NIH site will permit anonymous responses. Responders should be aware that the information provided will be analyzed and may appear in various reports. Additionally, the government cannot guarantee the confidentiality of the information provided.


Specific questions about this RFI should be directed to the contacts listed below:

Roger Little Ph.D.
Senior Policy Advisor
Office of Science Policy, Planning, and Communications
National Institute of Mental Health
6001 Executive Blvd, Room 8211, MSC 9667
Bethesda, Maryland USA 20892
Phone: 301-402-5844
Fax: 301-443-1328
E-mail: [email protected]

Randall R. Stewart, Ph.D.
Program Director for Channels, Synapses and Circuits
National Institute of Neurological Disorders & Stroke
National Institutes of Health
6001 Executive Blvd., Room 2135
Bethesda, MD 20892-9523
Phone: 301-496-1917
Fax: 301-402-1501
E-mail: [email protected]