Notice Number: NOT-OD-08-025
Key Dates
Release Date: December 28, 2007
Issued by
National Institutes of Health (NIH), (
The purpose of this Notice is to announce the availability of a Manufacturing Assistance Program (MAP) for NIH SBIR Phase II awardees from 2003 to the present.
The Manufacturing Assistance Program is one of the NIH Technical Assistance Programs for helping SBIR awardees transition their SBIR-developed technologies into the marketplace. The goal of MAP is to help identify, address, and develop a strategy to overcome the manufacturing issues related to the commercialization of SBIR-developed products.
In a partnership with the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) program (, participants will have access to MEP’s nationwide network of non-profit manufacturing centers. Each participant will be assigned to a center that will provide technical support needed to move to a developmental stage that requires decisions in manufacturing transition strategies. This can include, but is not limited to:
Dawnbreaker, Inc., a business consulting firm in Rochester, NY, will manage the program and coordinate the efforts with the MEP centers.
All NIH SBIR awardees (grantees and contractors) that have received a Phase II award in the last five fiscal years (FY 03 – 08) are eligible to participate. Participants must, however, meet the SBIR small business eligibility criteria as described in the current SBIR Parent Funding Opportunity Announcement available from the NIH Small Business Funding Opportunities website Previous participants of any of NIH’s Technical Assistance Programs (i.e., Pilot Manufacturing Assistance, Commercialization Assistance, Niche Assessment), may participate, however, the same SBIR award may not be used. Please note that this program is not available to STTR awardees.
Detailed program information, eligibility requirements, and application instructions are available at . The application form is available at The deadline for submitting an application is February 14, 2008. Twenty-five (25) companies will be selected to participate and will be notified in February/March 2008.
General inquiries about the MAP may be addressed to:
Ms. Kay Etzler
Office of Extramural Programs
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD
Telephone: (301) 435-2713
FAX: (301) 480-0146
Tab Wilkins
Account Manager & Sr. Technology Advisor
Seattle, WA
Telephone: (301) 646-4069
Terry McMahon
MAP Project Manager
Dawnbreaker, Inc.
Rochester, NY
Telephone: 757-651-8600