This Notice was RESCINDED, please see Late Applications.


NIH Policy on Late Submission of Grant Applications Clarification for Multiple PI Applications and New Submission/Receipt Dates

Notice Number: NOT-OD-07-026

Update: The following update relating to this announcement has been issued:

Key Dates
Release Date: December 7, 2006

Issued by
National Institutes of Health (NIH), (

This notice provides information on the implementation of the NIH Policy on Late Applications (Notice OD-06-086) for applications involving multiple Principal Investigators (PIs) and includes the receipt dates that will be effective in February 2007.

NIH has recently announced the plans for extending the multiple PI option to most research grant applications as the grant mechanisms transition to electronic submission (Notice OD-07-017). One of the explanations for late submission that may lead to acceptance of an application is service by the Principal Investigator on an NIH extramural review group during the time frame that would reasonably be expected to be used to prepare the application. For multiple PI applications, this will apply when any one (or more) of the Project Directors/Principal Investigators (PD/PIs) is involved with service on an NIH extramural peer review group. Note that this applies only to NIH extramural review activities, not to those of other Federal agencies or private organizations. It also does not apply to other participants in the application who do not have the PD/PI role.

NIH has changed the standing receipt dates for a number of application types ( These are now included in the listing below. NIH will consider accepting late applications based on the acceptability of the explanation and the processing time required for two different kinds of submission/receipt dates. Please note that explanations are not additive an application from a study section member who has had a medical problem is still expected to be received within the appropriate window.

  • Regular Standing Submission/Receipt Dates: January 25, February 5, February 12, February 16, February 25, March 5, March 12, March 16 May 25, June 5, June 12, June 16, June 25, July 5, July 12, July 16, September 25, October 5, October 12, October 16, October 25, November 5, November 12, November 16. Applications must be received at the NIH within two weeks of the standing submission date.

  • Expedited Standing Submission/Receipt Dates: April 5, April 8, April 12, May 1, August 5, August 8, August 12, September 1, December 5, December 8, December 12, and January 2. Applications must be received at the NIH within one week of the standing submission date.

Note that the late window always ends in a receipt (not submission) date for both paper and electronic applications.

NIH will not consider accepting late applications for the Special Receipt Dates for RFAs and PARs. This includes the special receipt dates (March 20, July 20, and November 20) for resubmission (formerly amended ) applications that are part of the New Investigator Pilot (

All other provisions of Notice OD-06-086 remain in effect.