Release Date:  April 24, 2000

NOTICE:  NS-00-007

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) announces 
an administrative supplement program of up to $2.5 million in Fiscal Year 2000 
to facilitate access to DNA microarray analyses for NINDS-funded research 
projects.  This administrative supplement program is issued in response to 
recommendations from the NINDS Strategic Plan 
(see  The program is intended to 
facilitate access to DNA microarray analysis for ongoing, peer-reviewed 
projects that have Specific Aims for which microarray analysis will provide 
clearly relevant data within the scope of the approved project.  Principal 
Investigators (PIs) with Research Project (R01), Program Project (P01), and 
Research Center (P50) grants funded by NINDS are eligible to apply.  To be 
eligible, projects must be funded in Fiscal Year 2000 and have at least one 
additional year of funding remaining.

Evidence should be presented that the results of the supplemental assistance 
will significantly enhance the pursuit of Specific Aims of the participating 
research project, without constituting an expansion of scope. 
Descriptions should be concise, but sufficiently detailed to make clear the 
research plan and the relationship of the results of the proposed microarray 
experiments to the goals of the original project.

The principal focus of this announcement is on the use and analysis of arrays.  
This includes microarrays, reagents, scanners, and data analysis.  The purchase
 of microarray services from commercial vendors or from institutional facilities 
 is acceptable.  Requests for salary may be included, in proportion to time 
directly devoted to the supplemental project.  The program, however, is not 
intended to support the establishment of array-making facilities.  Requests for 
computers and software will be considered only if they are solely for use 
in microarray analysis.  

How to apply:  Submission of requests should be made electronically.  Send an 
email message to with the PI"s name (last name, 
first name) and grant number (eg., R01NS01234-05) on the Subject line.  Include 
the following sections in an attached file in MSWord or WordPerfect format:

1) A cover page citing this NOTICE and requesting an administrative supplement, 
including the PI name, grant number and title, amount requested, name and title 
of the institutional official, and phone, email, and address information for 
the PI and institutional official.  For P01s and P50s, the named PI must submit 
the request for a supplement.
2) A letter (5-page limit) describing the project, including an Abstract, a 
Description of the proposed experiments and their relationship to the original 
project Specific Aims, a discussion of the Significance of the results, and a 
Budget with justifications and plans for sharing and release of data.
3) Biographical Sketch of the PI.
4) Specific Aims from the original grant.

In addition, an original cover page signed by the PI and countersigned by an 
authorized institutional official, which is required for issuance of an award, 
should be sent by mail or fax to the NINDS program staff contact listed at the 
end of this notice.  Applicants unable to submit an electronic application 
should submit a complete written application addressed to the same NINDS 
staff contact.

Budget information:  Supplements will be awarded as TOTAL COSTS in modular 
amounts of $25,000.  Facilities and Administrative Costs (F&A) should be 
included in the modular request.  For R01s, the maximum request is $50,000.  
For P01s and P50s, the maximum is $100,000.  Although the awarded budgets 
will be modular, applicants should provide a budget justification that details 
the budget items requested, including F&A.  If the planned microarray 
experiments will not be fully supported by the supplemental funds from 
NINDS, the sources and amounts of additional funds should be specified.

Review procedure:  Applications will be reviewed administratively.

Review criteria:
o The scientific significance of the proposed study
o The relevance of the supplemental plan to the Specific Aims of the parent grant
o The appropriateness of the experimental approach and data analysis
o The relevance to program priorities of the institute
o The impact of the results for other areas in neuroscience

Data sharing:  The review will also consider plans for sharing the data that 
are obtained from the supplemental research.  Recipients of administrative 
supplements are encouraged to share data on the National Center for 
Biotechnology Information Gene Expression Omnibus 

Receipt date:  July 3, 2000
Award date:    September 29, 2000

Direct inquiries regarding programmatic issues to:

Thomas Miller, Ph.D.
Technology Development
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
6001 Executive Boulevard, NSC-2139
Bethesda MD 20892
Tel:  301-496-1779
Fax:  301-402-1501

Direct inquiries regarding fiscal matters to:

Joellen M. Harper
Chief, Grants Management Branch
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
6001 Executive Blvd., NSC-3258
Bethesda, Maryland  20892
Tel:  301-496-9231
Fax:  301-402-0219

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