Special Emphasis Notice: Important Considerations for Applying for Conference Grant Support from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

Notice Number: NOT-HS-08-001

Key Dates
Release Date: October 9, 2007

Issued by
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), (http://www.ahrq.gov)

The mission of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is to improve the quality, safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of healthcare for all Americans. AHRQ seeks to further its mission through two separate grant programs, one for large and one for small conference support. This policy notice is intended to clarify the distinction between the two conference support grant programs and to highlight several considerations for applicants when applying for AHRQ conference support. In addition, this Notice implements a new policy which prohibits applicants from receiving funding from the AHRQ Small Grant Program for Conference Support for the same annual meeting for more than three consecutive years.

For the Grant Program for Large Conference Support, the maximum length of the project period is up to three years and the maximum award amount is $100,000 direct costs annually. The award mechanisms are the conference grant (R13) and conference cooperative agreement (U13). There are three submission dates per year: April 12, August 12, and December 12. Large conference grant applications are reviewed by the appropriate AHRQ study section. The submission-to-award period is approximately 8 months. Eligibility for R13 applications is extended to non-profit organizations only. For-profit organizations may apply under the cooperative agreement mechanism associated with this funding announcement (U13) but are required to first consult with AHRQ program staff. The need for substantive involvement of AHRQ staff must be demonstrated; AHRQ must concur with that need and agree, in writing, to the involvement. The letter of agreement from AHRQ staff must be included with the application, detailing explicitly the involvement of AHRQ in the conference. AHRQ substantive involvement is not demonstrated by giving lectures or joining panel discussions. See the Grant Program for Large Conference Support Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) at: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-06-378.html.

For the Small Grant Program for Conference Support, the maximum length of the project period is one year and the maximum award amount is $50,000 in direct costs. The award mechanism is the R13. There are six application submission dates per year: February 20, April 20, June 20, August 20, October 20, and December 20. Small conference grant applications are reviewed by an internal AHRQ review committee. The submission-to-award period is approximately 5 months. Eligibility is limited to non-profit organizations. For-profit organizations may participate in projects as members of consortia or as subcontractors only. See the Small Grant Program for Conference Support FOA at: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-06-074.html.

This notice highlights several important considerations for potential applicants:

  • If an applicant seeks conference grant support for multiple years or has received funding from the AHRQ Small Grant Program for Conference Support for a specific conference for three consecutive years, the applicant must apply to the Grant Program for Large Conference Support.
  • Recurring conferences which have received AHRQ funding for three consecutive years through AHRQ’s Small Grant Program for Conference Support are ineligible to submit an application for the same conference through the Small Grant Program for Conference Support for a period of at least 1 year after the date of the most recently funded annual conference. The applicant may submit an application for the recurring conference under the Grant Program for Large Conference Support.
  • Applicants are encouraged to discuss with relevant AHRQ program staff whether the proposed conference addresses an AHRQ priority. Program staff contacts are listed in the FOAs.
  • Applications submitted to AHRQ for either the large or small conference grant program may not request funds for the purchase of food. AHRQ will not award funds to support the cost of food for any conference grant.
  • Institutions, as part of their applications under either the small or large conference grant programs, must submit a composite categorical budget for the total cost of the conference, including anticipated additional sources of funding. Any anticipated program income (e.g., registration fees) should be specified as one source of funding. Applications that do not include a composite budget will be returned without undergoing peer review.

Applicants may contact Ms. Ruth Ann Hadley, the initial contact person for the Small Grant Program for Conference Support (Ph: 301-427-1391 or [email protected]), or Ms. Mary Hand, the initial contact person for the Grant Program for Large Conference Support (Ph: 301-427-1395 or [email protected]). Applicants are further encouraged to contact AHRQ program staff early in the process of preparing applications. A listing of AHRQ staff contacts can be found at: http://www.ahrq.gov/fund/staffcon.htm.