MICROARRAY TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATION IN HEART, LUNG, AND BLOOD RESEARCH Release Date: August 11, 2000 NOTICE: HL-01-002 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute BACKGROUND Heart, lung, blood, and sleep disorders are complex human conditions that, until recently, have been viewed from the perspective of only one or a few genes operating at a time. With the progress of the Human Genome Project, we will soon be able to examine all human genes simultaneously and attempt to relate them to research questions relevant to heart, lung, blood, and sleep disorders. A key tool in this endeavor will be microarray technology. PURPOSE The challenge before the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) is to determine the most appropriate, effective, and timely strategies to address the needs, facilitate the opportunities, and minimize the obstacles in fully developing and applying array technologies to heart, lung, blood and sleep research Thus, the NHLBI is soliciting input from the scientific communities that it serves to guide in the development of these strategies. PROCESS The NHLBI is requesting that you send us your thoughts, opinions, and suggestions in each of the key areas described below [each is defined by a keyword(s)]. Responses may be sent through the online form (http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/resources/medres/rfinote.htm), by letter, email, or fax to the address listed below by September 1, 2000. MICROARRAYS You may have encountered significant barriers to gaining access to microarray technology. The NHLBI would like to hear your comments, views, and opinions on barriers to access (e.g., technology, resources, or other) and on barriers to optimal use of microarrays (e.g. lack of expertise, financial limitations, or other). If you are currently using microarrays in your research, please describe how you overcame barriers to access in applying microarray strategies to your research. NHLBI is currently studying ways in which it can increase the base of participation in microarrays. Your thoughts are welcome on the best ways to facilitate access to microarray technology in the heart, lung, blood and sleep research communities Examples could include a grant supplement program for microarray implementation in ongoing programs, a resource facility that would make and distribute custom chips of interest to the NHLBI community, a program directed toward technology development, a program to support local or regional chip development and distribution, or an expanded effort as facilitator to bring together investigators with common interests so as to share costs. There is universal agreement that good bioinformatics and information resources are essential tools for the optimal use of high-throughput gene analysis methods such as microarrays. Your suggestions for the best ways for NHLBI to help develop and disseminate these tools are welcome. The NHLBI is interested in your assessment of the overall needs and research opportunities that microarray access and application afford that cannot be addressed by other means. Any specific suggestions, and general estimates of associated costs, for how NHLBI can meet these needs would be valuable. We would appreciate any additional thoughts or comments that you think would be useful. Thank you for your help. We look forward to your input and please share this document with your colleagues. To respond, please send a letter, fax or email to the following address or link to the online form in the What’s New section on the NHLBI Home Page. Ms. Tawanna Meadows Two Rockledge Centre 6701 Rockledge Drive Room 9163, MSC 7940, Bethesda, Maryland 20892-7940 FAX (301) 480-1335 Phone (301) 435-1802 Email: array@nhlbi.nih.gov Barriers Overcoming Barriers Facilitating Access Bioinformatics and Information Resources Overall Needs and Research Opportunities Suggestions Additional Thoughts or Comments

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