Notice of Extension of Request for Information: Comments on the Identification of Mendelian Disorders by Genomic Sequencing

Notice Number: NOT-HG-06-003

Key Dates
Release Date: November 4, 2005
Receipt Date: December 9, 2005

Issued by
National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), (

In a Notice published August 2, 2005 , the NHGRI invited investigators who are working to identify genetic variations causing human Mendelian disorders to provide the NIH with information about the status of their projects ( The NHGRI is particularly interested in cases in which a major roadblock to completing those projects could be overcome by large-scale sequencing, and where the amount of sequencing required would be prohibitive to the individual investigator. Investigators who are not currently in such circumstances, but who work in this area, are also invited to comment.

The purpose of this Notice is to inform potential responders that the expiration date for submitting information about diseases they are interested in has been extended. The new response date is by December 9, 2005. Responses may be sent by email to

This Request for Information (RFI) is to gather information for planning purposes only and should not be construed as a solicitation or as an obligation on the part of the Government. The Government does not intend to award a cooperative agreement or grant on the basis of responses to this RFI nor otherwise pay for the preparation of any information submitted or for the Government's use of such information.

Acknowledgement of receipt of responses will not be made, nor will respondents be notified of the government's assessment of the information received. No basis for claims against the government shall arise as a result of a response to this request for information or the government's use of such information as either part of our evaluation process or in developing specifications for any subsequent announcement. Responses will be held in a confidential manner. Any proprietary information should be so marked.


For questions and further information please contact:

Adam L. Felsenfeld, Ph.D., Program Director
National Human Genome Research Institute
National Institutes of Health
5635 Fishers Lane Suite 4076 , MSC 9305
Bethesda , Maryland 20892-9305
Phone: (301) 496-7531

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