Release Date: October 7, 2011
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child
Health and Human Development (NICHD)
Fogarty International Center (FIC)
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
The purpose of this Notice is twofold: (1) to formally close out the Extramural Associates Research Development Award (EARDA) Program; and (2) to clarify eligibility for the participation of current and previous EARDA grantees in the recently issued Biomedical/Biobehavioral Research Administration Development (BRAD) Award [G11] program: PAR-11-270.
The new BRAD Program reflects the integration of the domestic and international EARDA programs, with selected program enhancements. The domestic EARDA program permitted the submission of competitive renewal applications to allow for a maximum of eight years of support. Accordingly, all domestic institutions that received EARDA grants under FOAs PAR-05-053, PAR-08-096, or earlier FOAs (RFA-HD-04-007, RFA-HD-04-008) are eligible for a maximum of 8 years of support.
This Notice describes the conditions under which previous and current domestic EARDA grantees may participate in the BRAD Program. This Notice also enables the Division of Special Populations to meet its obligation to grantee institutions under the domestic EARDA program.
There are three categories of domestic EARDA institutions, based on the funding opportunity announcements (FOAs) under which eligible institutions applied for support. A description of each institutional category is provided below in tabular format.
Institution Category |
Definition |
Category 1* |
An EARDA institution that applied for and received support under PAR-08-096. Category 1 institutions may submit renewal applications for a maximum of 3 years of support under the BRAD Program in the final year of their 5-year project periods. |
Category 2* |
An EARDA institution that applied for and received support under PAR-05-053; and in addition, meets 1 of the 2 criteria below:
Category 2 institutions may submit renewal applications for a maximum of 3 years of support under the BRAD Program. |
Category 3 |
All other EARDA grantees that applied for and received support under FOAs RFA-HD-04-007, RFA-HD-04-008, or PAR-05-053; and in addition, meet both of the conditions described below:
All Category 3 institutions must wait a minimum of five years from the expiration date of their previous EARDA grant to re-set eligibility for participation in the BRAD program. Category 3 EARDA Institutions may apply for up to 5 years of support under the BRAD program. |
*EARDA institutions in either Category 1 or Category 2 are considered to be in "EARDA Close-Out Status" because they have not been afforded the opportunity to submit competing renewal applications. Also note that this Notice does not change the NIH resubmission policy that limits resubmissions to one application within 37 months of the original Type 1 or competing renewal application.
Special Requirements
ALL categories of EARDA institutions (i.e., Categories 1, 2 and 3) MUST include 2 of the 3 areas described below, as applicable, in the appropriate sections of their BRAD applications:
PD/PI: Should the previous Extramural Associate and PD/PI be unable to (or desire not to) serve as the PD(s)/PI(s) on a BRAD application, the institution must provide a letter of nomination for the new PD/PI, to be included in the Letters of Support section of the grant application. The new PI may participate in (i) NIH Residency Training, Part I at the institution's expense or (ii) in NIH Training Part II, which will be given via web conferencing.
Program Verification
All current and previous EARDA institutions are encouraged to request confirmation of eligibility to participate in the BRAD Program from the Division of Special Populations. Eligibility will be confirmed based on a review of the following types of documents in the grant files, as applicable:
Please direct all inquiries to:
Regina Smith James, MD
Director, Division of Special Populations
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
6100 Executive Boulevard, Room 5E03A
Bethesda, MD 20892-7510
(Rockville, MD 20852 for courier or express service)
TELEPHONE: 301-435-2692 and FAX