The purpose of this Notice is to modify the instructions for the Application and Admissions Data attachment that is submitted as part of the application to PAR-23-030 "Leading Equity and Diversity in the Medical Scientist Training Program (LEAD MSTP)(T32)".
The following sections of this funding opportunity have been modified accordingly.
Part 2. Section IV.2. Instructions for Application Submission
SF424 (R&R) Other Project Information
Other Attachments
Currently reads:
Application and Admissions Data: The application must include Application and Admissions Data to allow for the evaluation of the ability of participating departments/institutions to recruit training grant eligible individuals. These data are useful in assessing the admissions and recruitment process, the diversity of the pool, and the appropriate number of training positions to be awarded. Provide the numbers and characteristics of training grant eligible (I) applicants, (II) admitted individuals, and (III) matriculants for each of the past 5 academic years as well as the average over those years. Applicants are encouraged to use the Suggested Table Format Table A and to report on the categories listed in NIH’s Interest in Diversity (listed below). Demographic data should be from voluntary self-reporting.
- Total: The total number of individuals in the relevant category (e.g., applicants, admitted individuals, or matriculants). In cases of multiple-departmental/multiple-institutional programs, provide aggregate data for all the participating departments/institutions.
- Number from Underrepresented Racial and Ethnic Minority (URM) Groups: Number of individuals from racial and ethnic groups that have been shown by the National Science Foundation to be underrepresented in biomedical research on a national basis (i.e., Black or African Americans, Hispanic or Latinos, American Indians or Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders; see
- Number with a Disability: If data are available, the number of individuals with disabilities, defined as those with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities as described in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended.
- Number from Disadvantaged Backgrounds: If data are available, the number of individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds (see NIH’s Interest in Diversity).
- Women: Number of applicants who identify as women.
- Institutionally Defined Underrepresented Group: Number of individuals from an institutionally defined underrepresented group. If relevant, number of applicants from a racial or ethnic group that can be demonstrated convincingly to be underrepresented by the grantee institution. For more information on racial and ethnic categories and definitions, see the OMB Revisions to the Standards for Classification of Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity. Add columns as needed.
If the training program is interdepartmental with separate admissions for each department, provide the number of training grant eligible (I) applicants, (II) admitted individuals, and (III) matriculants in the relevant departments described in the application for each of the past 5 academic years. Please name the file “Application_Admissions_Data.pdf”.
Modified to read:
Application and Admissions Data: The application must provide baseline data on the characteristics of the trainee pool. The data must reflect the training grant eligible individuals who further the goals of the proposed research training program. The data serve as a basis for review of planned activities, including recruitment. The number of training grant eligible candidates will be used to determine the appropriate budget and number of funded positions. NIGMS will use the data provided in a manner consistent with applicable law.
- Trainee Characteristics. All applicants must provide the numbers and average for the past five academic years of training grant eligible candidates who applied to, were admitted to, and matriculated into the training program or departments described in the application. NIGMS encourages the use of Suggested Formats A to aid in the structuring of the data. Applicants are encouraged to use categories reflected in the Notice of NIH’s Interest in Diversity or the NIH Trainee Diversity Report (such as race, ethnicity, gender, disability and disadvantaged background) as these data will be collected as part of annual progress reports for funded programs. Additional trainee candidate pool characteristics that are relevant to the goals of the training program may also be included. Applicants should use appropriate methods for data privacy, confidentiality, and security practices related to student data systems and reporting (for example, cell sizes for sensitive data).
- Multi-Component Program Data. If the training program is multi-departmental or multi-organizational in structure with separate recruitment, admissions and matriculation procedures, applicants should provide the numbers and average for the past five academic years of training grant eligible candidates who applied to, were admitted to, and matriculated into the relevant departments or organizations described in the application. Applicants are encouraged to use the Suggested Formats B, in addition to Suggested Formats A, to aid in the structuring of the data.
Please name the file “Application_Admissions_Data.pdf”.
All other aspects of this NOFO remain the same.