January 11, 2021
PAR-20-104 - Biomedical Technology Development and Dissemination Center (RM1 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS)
This Notice clarifies that a sustainability plan is required for all applications submitted to PAR-20-104 "Biomedical Technology Development and Dissemination Center (RM1 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)".
The following Sections of PAR-20-104 have been modified to reflect this clarification:
Part 2. Section I. Funding Opportunity Description
(second paragraph under Community Engagement)
Currently reads:
Substantive, ongoing efforts to disseminate technologies and train non-specialists in their use require a fundamentally outward-looking philosophy, as well as enthusiasm for engaging the research community. The goal of these efforts is, to the extent possible, to export the technology and expertise of the Center into the community, achieving a broader impact on biomedical research than would be possible through the projects in which the Center can participate directly. Industrial partnerships are not required, but they are encouraged when appropriate. Ultimately, the CE elements of the Center should aim for the widespread and routine application of the technologies being actively disseminated. An extended technology development cycle might require a renewal application for full maturation and community adoption. However, BTDD Centers will not be renewed beyond three cycles and all renewal applications will require a sustainability plan.
Revised to read (changes are shown below in bold italics)::
Substantive, ongoing efforts to disseminate technologies and train non-specialists in their use require a fundamentally outward-looking philosophy, as well as enthusiasm for engaging the research community. The goal of these efforts is, to the extent possible, to export the technology and expertise of the Center into the community, achieving a broader impact on biomedical research than would be possible through the projects in which the Center can participate directly. Industrial partnerships are not required, but they are encouraged when appropriate. Ultimately, the CE elements of the Center should aim for the widespread and routine application of the technologies being actively disseminated. An extended technology development cycle might require a renewal application for full maturation and community adoption. However, BTDD Centers will not be renewed beyond three cycles and all applications require a sustainability plan.
All other aspects of this FOA remain unchanged.
Paul Sammak, Ph.D.
National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS)
Email: [email protected]