Request for Information (RFI): Proposed NIGMS Organizational Change Establishment of a Center for Research Capacity Building

Notice Number: NOT-GM-15-110

Key Dates
Release Date: February 18, 2015
Response Date: February 27, 2015

Related Announcements

Issued by
National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS)


This is a Request for Information (RFI) to solicit input regarding the establishment of a new organizational unit in NIGMS: the Center for Research Capacity Building (CRCB). This center would house the Institute’s capacity-building programs, which include the Institutional Development Award (IDeA), Support of Competitive Research (SCORE) and Native American Research Centers for Health (NARCH) programs. The center’s activities would include supporting research, training and access to research resources.


NIGMS provides leadership in training the next generation of scientists, in enhancing the diversity of the scientific workforce, and in developing research capacities throughout the country. Its Division of Training, Workforce Development, and Diversity supports programs that foster research training and the development of a strong and diverse biomedical research workforce through a variety of programs at the undergraduate, graduate, postdoctoral, faculty and institutional levels. TWD currently has three components: 1) the Undergraduate and Predoctoral Training Branch; 2) the Postdoctoral Training Branch; and 3) the Capacity Building Branch, which houses the IDeA, SCORE and NARCH programs.

In addition to promoting training, workforce development and diversity, the capacity building programs support scientific research and access to technology resources. These objectives span all the mission areas of NIGMS and thus the programs do not fit well in any single division within the Institute. Because of this, we have determined that it would make better organizational sense for the IDeA, SCORE and NARCH programs to become a new capacity-building center within NIGMS, rather than remaining as a branch within TWD.

The Center for Biomedical Research Capacity Building would be the focal point for all NIGMS programs that develop the capabilities of diverse researchers and institutions to conduct cutting-edge basic, translational and clinical science. In addition to promoting research training and workforce development, the center would also support a diverse portfolio of scientific research projects and programs, as well as access to technology resources. The new organizational structure would allow for more efficient planning, coordination and execution among NIGMS capacity-building programs and with other parts of the Institute.

The head of the new center would report directly to the NIGMS Director and be part of the Institute’s senior leadership. Beyond that change, NIGMS does not plan to alter the missions, goals, staff or budgets of the IDeA, SCORE and NARCH programs as a result of the reorganization. Also remaining the same would be the review of applications and most grants management and review staff assignments.

Information Requested

NIGMS requests feedback from any and all organizations and individuals with an interest in this organizational change and the programs affected.

How to Submit a Response

Responses will be accepted through February 27, 2015.  Responses by e-mail are preferred.  Please use the address to submit a response.  The submitted information will be reviewed by NIGMS and will be shared with other NIH institutes and centers that have an interest in this matter.

This RFI is for planning purposes only and should not be construed as a solicitation for applications or an obligation on the part of the government.  The government will not pay for the preparation of any information submitted or for the government’s use of that information.

The NIH will use the information submitted in response to this RFI at its discretion and will not provide comments to any responder's submission. However, responses to the RFI may be reflected in future funding opportunity announcements. The information provided will be analyzed and may appear in reports. Respondents are advised that the government is under no obligation to acknowledge receipt of the information or provide feedback to respondents with respect to any information submitted. No proprietary, classified, confidential, or sensitive information should be included in your response. The government reserves the right to use any non-proprietary technical information in any resultant solicitation(s).


Please direct all inquiries to:

Ms. Sally Lee
National Institute of General Medical Science (NIGMS)
Telephone: 301-594-2755
Email: [email protected]