Notice of Change in the June 2009 Receipt Date for PAR-07-412, Large-Scale Collaborative Project Awards

Notice Number: NOT-GM-09-017

Key Dates
Release Date: March 13, 2009

Issued by
National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS), (


The purpose of this notice is to change the receipt date for PAR-07-412, Large-Scale Collaborative Project Awards (R24/U54) Phase II Applications.

The next receipt date for Large-Scale Collaborative Project Awards Phase II applications is changed from June 17, 2009 to July 28, 2009.  The other receipt dates in PAR-07-412 and the PAR-07-412 termination date remain unchanged.


Interested parties may contact:

Dr. Michael E. Rogers
Division of Pharmacology, Physiology, and Biological Chemistry
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
45 Center Drive, MSC 6200
Bethesda, MD  20892-6200
Phone:  (301) 594-3827
Fax:  (301) 480-2802