PAR-07-040: Notice of Change of Fiscal Year 2007 Submission Dates for Applications to the Bridges to the Doctorate Program for Underrepresented Students (R25)

Notice Number: NOT-GM-06-116

Key Dates
Release Date: November 8, 2006

Issued by
National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) (

The National Institute of General Medical Sciences and the National Center for Minority Health Disparities gives notice that PAR-02-083 has been reissued in a form compliant with electronic submission of grant applications (PAR-07-040).  Paper-based applications will not be accepted.  In order to allow the extramural community time to migrate to the electronic submission process applications for FY2007 will be accepted on January 18, 2007 and May 18, 2007 (the November 14, 2006 receipt date has been withdrawn).


Inquiries associated with this notice should be submitted to:

Adolphus Toliver, Ph.D.
Interim Director, Bridges Program
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Natcher Building, Rm. 2AS.37
45 Center Drive, MSC 6200
Bethesda, MD 20892-6200
Phone: (301) 594-3900
Fax: (301) 4809-2753
E-mail: [email protected]