MARC UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT TRAINING IN ACADEMIC RESEARCH (U-STAR) PROGRAM: NOTICE OF ADDITIONAL TRAINING SLOTS FOR STUDENTS MAJORING IN THE QUANTITATIVE SCIENCES RELEASE DATE: December 12, 2002 NOTICE: NOT-GM-03-103 National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) ( The purpose of this initiative is to provide additional trainee slots to successful MARC U*STAR programs to enable these programs to support students majoring in quantitative sciences such as physics and mathematics for participation in their programs as MARC trainees. The intent is to allow these additional trainees to participate in biomedical research and interact with MARC trainees from biological/behavioral backgrounds. It is anticipated that the addition of trainees with quantitative backgrounds to MARC U*STAR programs will have a synergistic effect and that both the programs and the trainees involved in the programs will benefit from their participation. Therefore, active MARC U*STAR programs, with at least two years of support remaining, may request from two to four additional MARC trainee slots for this purpose. Continuing programs with 10 or fewer student slots can request no more than two additional trainee slots and programs larger than 10 students can request up to four additional trainee slots, but only for the years remaining on the parent grant. INQUIRES: For further information, contact Adolphus Toliver, Ph.D. MARC Branch, MORE Division 45 Center Drive, Rm. 2AS.37, MSC 6200 Bethesda, MD 20892 6200 Telephone: (301) 594-3900 FAX: (301) 480-2753 E-mail:

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