Release Date:  March 6, 2000

NOTICE:  GM-00-002

National Institute of General Medical Sciences

NIGMS announces a change in the date for the March 13 public briefing 
to be held in conjunction with the NIGMS Large-Scale Collaborative 
Project Awards RFA reannouncement (NOT-GM-00-001, NIH Guide, December 
13, 1999,  
The purpose of the briefing is to provide advice to 
potential Phase I applicants.  The briefing will focus on questions 
from the attendees.  NIH staff will explain the purpose of this RFA, 
provide instructions regarding the Phase I application process, and 
answer questions.  Potential applicant institutions are urged to send 
representatives to this briefing, both to gather information and to 
exchange ideas with other potential Phase I applicants.  Anyone who 
cannot attend this pre-application meeting may request copies of any 
distributed materials and a summary of the discussion.

The public briefing is rescheduled as follows:

Date:  April 28, 2000

Time:  1:00-3:00 p.m. 

Location:  Natcher Conference Center
     Rooms F1/F2
     NIH Campus
     Bethesda, Maryland  

For additional information and to inform staff of your intention to 
attend, please contact:  

Dr. Michael E. Rogers 
Division of Pharmacology, Physiology and Biological Chemistry 
National Institute of General Medical Sciences 
45 Center Drive, MSC 6200 Bethesda, MD 20892-6200 
Telephone: (301) 594-3827 
FAX: (301) 480-2802 
E-mail: [email protected] 

The submission date for Phase I applications and other deadlines remain 
unchanged.  Investigators are referred to the glue grant web site for 
complete information,

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