Date: October 28, 2011
Date: January 06, 2012
Anticipated Start Date: March, 06, 2012
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
National Institute on Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR)
The National Institute on Drug Abuse, along with the
National Institute on Dental and Craniofacial Research, announce an Administrative
Supplement program to provide funds to supported research projects for research
on adolescent substance use screening tool development and validation for U.S.
general medical and dental settings.
The purpose of this Notice is to announce an administrative supplement program
to support NIDA or NIDCR funded research project grants that could support
research for the development and validation of tools to provide 1) a quick
screen and 2) a brief assessment of substance use severity for adolescents.
The tools developed should be amenable for inclusion in an electronic health
record (EHR) at U.S. based general medical and dental settings. When used
together, these tools will assist the clinician provider in identifying youth
who either present with a substance use disorder (SUD) or is at high risk of
developing a SUD. The goal is to encourage qualified investigators to form
collaborations with psychometricians, substance abuse experts, developmental
pediatrician/adolescent clinician/child psychiatrist researchers and research
methodologists to submit proposals that validate either newly developed or
adaptations of existing tools. Research proposed under this announcement must
be within the scope of the funded parent research grant.
Youth are not routinely screened for tobacco, alcohol or other substances at general medical and dental settings. Frequently cited obstacles to universal screening are that the existing screening instruments are not well-suited as they do not address time constraints or workflow issues at these settings. Ideally, screening tools must be brief, valid and reliable, demonstrate acceptable psychometric properties, contain developmentally appropriate screening content and language, require little or no staff training for implementation, potentially self-administered, with data entered using electronic platforms for inclusion into EHR, and be available in the public domain.
Proposed Screening Tool Requirements
The application must develop/adapt and test both a quick screen and a brief assessment tool for adoption at U.S. general medical or dental settings; and must meet the following requirements:
A total of $500,000 is anticipated to be provided for all
projects selected through this notice in Fiscal Year 2012. Supplement requests
must be less than $100,000 in direct costs, except for supplements of K awards:
amount of the total funds requested on this cannot exceed the annual research
funds allowed for the parent K award. In addition K award applications may not
request additional salary support for the PI, but may request support for other
program related expenses relating to (a) research expenses, such as supplies,
equipment and technical personnel; and (b) statistical services including
personnel and software/computer time up to the amount for research expenses
allowed in the parent award.
The supplement request is for one year of funding. Applicants must hold an active grant funded by NIDA or NIDCR, under the following mechanisms: R00, R01, R34, R21, R23, R36, R37, K01, K02, K05, K08, K12, K20, K21, K23, K24, K25 and K99, U01, U18, U24, P01, P20, P30, P50 and P60) with a current project period end date of March, 2013 or later. The parent grant must be active, and the research proposed in the supplement must be accomplished within 1 year. Any necessary no cost extension should be in place before submission. Before submitting a supplement application, potential applicants are highly encouraged to contact the program official of the parent grant to discuss the supplement plan and determine the responsiveness and pertinence of the potential application.
IMPORTANT: The research proposed by the NIH grantee in the supplement
application must be within the original scope of the NIH-supported grant
project. The funding mechanism being used to support this program,
administrative supplements, can be used to cover cost increases that are
associated with achieving certain new research objectives as long as they are
within the original scope of the project. Any cost increases need to result
from making modifications to the project in order to take advantage of
opportunities that would increase the value of the project consistent with its
originally approved objectives and purposes.
To be considered for an administrative supplement, the request must be signed by the Authorized Organizational Representative/Signing Official (AOR/SO), and must describe the need for additional funding and the categorical costs.
Administrative supplement requests should be sent as attachments in an email, no later than 5pm (EST) on January 6, 2012, to:
Applicants who prefer to submit hard copy (paper) requests should ensure that they are received no later than 5pm (EST) on January 6, 2012. Requests to be addressed to:
NIDA Grants Management Branch
6001 Executive Boulevard
Room 4218, MSC 9560
Bethesda, MD 20892-9560, or for express delivery please use
Rockville, MD 20852
Requests should be submitted on the PHS398
Application Guide forms (font size and other formatting rules apply as
designated in the instructions), as indicated below. Include only the following
Cover Letter which cites this Notice, and the following information:
PHS 398 Form Page 1 (Face page)
PHS 398 Form Page 2
A brief proposal describing the project, including:
Administrative supplement requests will be reviewed administratively by NIH Staff. Selection factors will include the following:
Inquiries and discussion of plans for responding to this Notice are strongly encouraged.
NIDA Contact:
Geetha Subramaniam, M.D.
Medical Officer
National Institute on Drug Abuse
6001 Executive Boulevard
Room 3173, MSC 9593
Bethesda, Maryland 20892-9593
Telephone: 301-435-0974
FAX: 301-443-6814
NIDCR Contact:
David B. Clark, Dr.P.H.
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research
6701 Democracy Blvd. Room 650
Bethesda, MD 20892-4878
Telephone: 301-594-4814