Notice of Intent to Publish a Request for Applications for 2010 NIDA Translational Avant-garde Award for Medication Development for Diseases of Addiction (DP1)

Notice Number: NOT-DA-09-014

Key Dates
Release Date:  September 11, 2009

Issued by
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)


The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) intends to promote a new initiative, the 2010 NIDA Translational Avant-garde Award, by publishing a Request for Applications (RFA) to solicit applications for outstanding translational projects for the development of small molecules or biologics to address unmet medical needs for drug addiction treatments.  Clinical indications may include substance use disorders stemming from tobacco, cannabis, cocaine, methamphetamine, or prescription opiate use or abuse. 

In contrast to proposals focusing solely on novel target discovery, new animal model generation, development and testing of human laboratory models or mechanistic studies of the neurobiology of addiction, the NIDA Translational Avant-garde Award applications are expected to be based on a robust body of background data in the basic sciences and discovery phases, and to be poised to transition from late drug discovery to pre-clinical and/or clinical phases of medication development.

The FOA is expected to be published on or before December 2009 with an expected receipt date in April 2010. This FOA will utilize the two-tiered review process using the X02 and DP1 application mechanisms.

This notice is being provided to allow potential applicants sufficient time to develop responsive projects. 



Interested parties may contact:

Contact information

Elena Koustova, PhD,
Program Director
Division of Basic Neuroscience & Behavioral Research
National Institute on Drug Abuse
6001 Executive Boulevard Rm 4282, MSC 9555
Bethesda, MD 20892-9555
Tel:      301-496-8768
Fax:     301-594-6043
E-mail: [email protected]

Nora Chiang, PhD
Division of Pharmacotherapies and Medical Consequences of Drug Abuse
Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Branch
6001 Executive Boulevard Rm 4282, MSC 9555
Bethesda, MD 20892-9555
Tel:  301-443-5280
E-mail: [email protected]