GUIDELINES FOR SUPPORT OF SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS BY NIH - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR NIDA CONFERENCE GRANTS Release Date: May 1, 2000 NOTICE: DA-00-007 National Institute on Drug Abuse This Notice provides additional information related to NIDA support of conference grants, as announced in the NIH Guide of October 30, 1998, available at NIDA is interested in supporting investigator initiated scientific meetings that will advance the mission of the Institute. NIH defines a scientific meeting as a gathering, symposium, seminar, workshop, or other organized, formal conference where persons assemble to coordinate, exchange and disseminate information or to explore or clarify a defined subject, problem or area of knowledge. NIDA wishes to elaborate on this definition and clarify the types of scientific meetings for which it will consider applications under the R13 mechanism. NIDA will support small meetings in their entirety and will contribute support toward large conferences that have other support. In both cases, the NIDA supported portion of the meeting should primarily focus on advancing the research development mission of the Institute. Meetings should advance the research agenda by fostering creativity and innovation and not solely by providing training in specific techniques, methods, or technologies. Insofar as the agenda, format, and facilities will allow, meetings should maximize the number of participants and be inclusive of a large number of participants with varied scientific backgrounds and demographic characteristics. They should foster interactions and exchange among persons who would otherwise be unlikely to engage in such interactions and exchanges. Participation should not be restricted to persons who already regularly associate or communicate through other NIDA sponsored events, conferences, associations, or other means. The inclusion of junior investigators and post-doctoral fellows is encouraged. In the case of meetings proposed to advance international collaboration, it should be clear how such collaboration will advance U.S. interests. NIDA-supported meetings should result in a specific product or measurable intermediate outcome that allows evaluation of a meeting’s effectiveness in fostering the final outcome of advancing NIDA-relevant research. Such products might include published papers or monographs, reports or data made available through the Internet, evaluation data on participation and interactions fostered through the meeting, or examinations of specific outcomes. NIDA will support such meetings with up to $25,000 per year. The Principal Investigator, with co-signature of the applicant organization’s designated official, must submit a letter of request and receive advance permission from NIDA in order to submit. Send such requests to the NIDA contact named below. Applicants may request funding for multiple years. Because of the difficulty in planning an agenda, topics, and speakers in subsequent years, NIDA encourages multiple year applications only when the applicant organization has a well established history of conducting meetings and can document the organizational ability to anticipate and respond to emerging needs, or when the application can provide specific details on the agenda, topics, and speakers for ensuing years. In the latter case, the application should also provide a rationale for anticipating that the needs will not change. In addition to the standard NIH criteria for conference grants, applications will be evaluated on the basis of the meeting’s likelihood of advancing a research agenda and the quality of the plans for providing and evaluating specific products and outcomes. INQUIRIES Inquiries are encouraged. The opportunity to clarify any issues or answer questions from potential applicants is welcome. In addition, any applicant requesting more than $25,000 in a single year of support must secure approval to submit and be considered. For further information, contact: Teresa Levitin, Ph.D. Office of Extramural Affairs National Institute on Drug Abuse 6001 Executive Boulevard, Room 3158, MSC 9547 Bethesda, MD 20892-9547 Telephone: (301) 443-2755 FAX: (301) 443-0538 Email:

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