June 30, 2023
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
The National Cancer Institute's Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS) will hold a pre-application webinar on July 11, 2023, from 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (EST) for the following notices of funding opportunity (NOFOs):
The purpose of this webinar is to discuss the objectives of the NOFOs and the review process, technical assistance on the development of the application, and answer any questions from attendees. Potential applicants are encouraged to register for the webinar at the following link: https://cancercontrol.cancer.gov/hdhe/about/events/advancing-cancer-control-equity-research-through-transformative-solutions.
The pre-application webinar, to be held on July 11, 2023, from 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (EST), will include an overview of the two NOFOs as well as specific requirements for applications submitted in response to the NOFOs.
The webinar will conclude with an open question and answer session. Potential applicants are encouraged to submit their questions prior to the webinar on the registration page or submit to Latausha.Rogers@nih.gov. The line will be open 15 minutes prior to 12:00 PM EST.
Note: Questions about the scope of the NOFOs will be addressed during the webinar; however, questions about investigators' specific study aims will not be addressed in the webinar.
Registration for the webinar is required. Register at https://cancercontrol.cancer.gov/hdhe/about/events/advancing-cancer-control-equity-research-through-transformative-solutions.
Following this webinar, NCI DCCPS will link to a recording on https://cancercontrol.cancer.gov/hdhe/about/events/advancing-cancer-control-equity-research-through-transformative-solutions.
April Oh, PhD, MPH
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Telephone: 240-753-3154
Brenda Adjei, M.P.A., Ed.D.
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Telephone: 240-276-6185
Amanda M. Acevedo, PhD
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Telephone: 240-276-5896
Email: amanda.acevedo@nih.gov