NCI Announces Interest in Administrative Supplements to Generate Cancer Models to Advance Cancer Health Disparity Research

Notice Number: NOT-CA-16-033

Key Dates
Release Date: April 7, 2016

Related Announcements

Issued by
National Cancer Institute (NCI)


NCI announces opportunities for investigators with active NCI-supported research grants to request 1 year of supplemental funding in FY2016. NCI is interested in supplements that propose generation of cell or animal-based models that can be used to advance cancer health disparity research.

Examples of responsive requests would include, but not limited to, the generation of the following models:

1) cancer cell lines;
2) PDX mouse models; and
3) 3D human tissue model culture systems.

The models proposed must be established using freshly procured clinically annotated human tissues or biopsies from racial/ethnic diverse cancer patients. If applicable, it is strongly encouraged that applicants validate the genetic ancestry of patients from which models were established using an appropriate panel of ancestry informative markers (AIMs). The AIM panel(s) selected must be relevant to the patient populations being investigated and capable of specifying admixture proportions.

All supplement requests should be submitted via PA-14-077 "Administrative Supplements to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Parent Admin Supp)" and must follow all guidance provided in the FOA. All supplement requests must propose activities within the scope of the parent award.

The requested award budget cannot exceed $200,000 in total costs (direct and all F&A costs).

To be considered for FY2016 funding, all requests must be received by May 13, 2016, 5 pm local time of the applicant organization. All applicants are strongly encouraged to discuss potential requests with the NCI contact listed below, as well as their NCI program officer.


Please direct all inquiries to:

Tiffany Wallace
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Telephone: 240-276-5114